The Company Won't Forget You! (2)

With a cold expression, Wang Ye walked alongside the crawling team and spoke in a cold voice.

The reconnaissance soldiers didn't dare to make a sound, and one by one, they obediently started crawling forward.

Crawling on the cement road surface wasn't that big of a deal, and right now, they didn't have much equipment with them either.

The crucial part was that they needed to circle the camp area now!

It was too far, and circling like this, how many people would witness this scene?


"He's pretty ruthless!"

Back at the cafeteria entrance, a group of soldiers from the kitchen were still watching.

Someone murmured a comment, and someone else chimed in, "They're in for it now. Running into Wang Ye, they'll be skinned alive!"

"Heh, no kidding. If I had to crawl a lap, I'd not only lose my skin but probably a few pounds of flesh too. They might have thick skin, but I bet crawling will be tough for them!"