Sailing to King's Landing

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The Following 11 Chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 8 (Meeting Family), Chapter 9 (A Past Forgotten), Chapter 10 (King's Landing), Chapter 11 (Queen Alysanne), Chapter 12 (House Velayron), Chapter 13 (Reunion), Chapter 14 (Back to Winterfell), Chapter 15 (A Walk Through Memories), Chapter 16 (A Feast), Chapter 17 (A Memory of The Past), and Chapter 18 (A Reunion) are already available for Patrons.

As the sun rose on the morning after Prince Daemon received the order from his grandfather, the king, a sense of urgency filled him. He knew he couldn't delay his departure any longer, so he quickly set about making preparations. Instructing their loyal servants to ready a ship to transport their belongings, the prince and Lyanna prepared for their journey back. It would take a full day for the ship to sail from Dragonstone to King's Landing.

As Daemon remembered the incident with Cannibal, he knew that their journey to King's Landing would have to be done differently. Despite the allure of soaring through the skies on the back of Caraxes, he couldn't risk his family's safety. The prospect of facing the ferocious black dragon in battle with his wife and children perched precariously on his mount was simply too perilous. Therefore, Daemon had made the decision to sail instead, braving the treacherous waters of the Narrow Sea rather than the fiery breath of Cannibal.

Daemon hoped the black dragon wouldn't follow them since the reputation of Cannibal wasn't exactly a good one. The King himself had issued a decree that no one was to attempt to tame the beast, as Cannibal had a long history of burning alive anyone who dared to try their luck with him.

The massive dragon was known for his wild and unpredictable behavior, and if he were to make an appearance in the bustling King's Landing, it could spell disaster for everyone. With his powerful wings and razor-sharp claws, Cannibal was one of the largest and most fearsome dragons in the land, feared and revered by all who knew of him.

As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the thick, hazy sky and illuminated the towering walls of Dragonstone, the servants of the Lord stirred from their slumber, awoken by the soft whispers of dawn. With nimble fingers and a practiced efficiency, they sprang to action, bustling about the castle to ready everything for the long journey ahead. From packing provisions and supplies to tending to the horses and carts, nothing was left to chance as they toiled tirelessly to ensure a smooth and successful sailing.

The first light of day had just begun to spread over the horizon when Daemon, with a sense of purpose, set out to check on his best friend, Caraxes. As he approached the dragon's lair, he could hear the creature's low growls of anticipation. But as soon as Caraxes caught sight of his master, the dragon's mood shifted instantly, and he greeted Daemon with a throaty purr, which was a clear indication of his happiness. Daemon spent an hour in the company of his dragon, admiring the beast's ferocity and power while also making sure that Caraxes was well-fed and cared for. But as he was about to leave, a sudden thought occurred to him, and he decided to don his armor, just in case the Black Dragon decided to do something against them. As the sun rose higher in the sky, Daemon mounted Caraxes and set off toward his castle with a sense of determination and resolve. He knew that he had to protect his son and wife, no matter what the cost. Even if it meant facing Death itself, Daemon would not hesitate to do what was necessary to keep his loved ones safe.

After checking on Caraxes, Daemon returned back to the castle. As the morning sun had just started to rise, its warm and comforting glow spread across the island, illuminating the entire castle with its radiant light. Prince Daemon, with his head held high, strode into the castle's grand entrance. The servants and soldiers who had been waiting to greet him bowed respectfully as he passed by, but he paid them no heed, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Cannibal and his son.

As Daemon made his way towards their shared chamber, Finally arriving at their door, he took a deep breath and pushed it open, his eyes immediately drawn to the sight of his wife standing before a mirror in her stunning blue dress. The fabric hugged her curves in all the right places, and the color complemented her complexion perfectly.

Usually, the southern ladies had a servant to help them to wear a dress, but Lyanna always refused the help, saying she was from the north, a true Lady of House Stark, and knowing that she was good with a sword, Daemon knew his wife had no problem wearing a dress.

Lyanna stood in front of a full-length mirror. She turned to face her husband, Daemon, who had just walked into the room. "Daemon, has he made any moves?" she asked in a wary tone, her voice betraying a hint of tension. Despite the elegance of her attire, Lyanna couldn't shake the feeling that danger was just outside.

Daemon knew exactly what she meant when she expressed her worries about the presence of Cannibal. He wasn't as concerned as his wife. After all, he had seen a side of Cannibal that gave him a glimmer of hope. It happened when they were flying on Caraxes with their son Aenar. As they soared through the sky, Cannibal's eyes locked onto Aenar with an unexpected expression. Instead of the usual anger or fury the dragon was known for. His green eyes sparkled with curiosity. For a moment, it seemed like Cannibal wasn't chasing his prey but rather studying it.

Daemon was quite convinced that his son had the potential to tame Cannibal. The dragon had not attacked them the last time they had come across it but had rather stood at a distance, observing them. Daemon was aware that his belief was based on nothing but an assumption, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was some kind of connection between his son and the dragon.

After all, it was a well-known fact that dragons were highly selective creatures, showing interest only in their riders. Yet Cannibal had shown a peculiar fascination with Daemon's son.

"Lyanna," Daemon spoke softly while walking towards his wife, "Caraxes will be by our side to protect us from any harm." As he approached, he gently placed his hands on her bare shoulders, feeling the tension still lingering in her body. He continued, "Besides, Cannibal has never shown any interest in attacking adult dragons before. His preference lies solely on eggs and baby dragons. Even he knows that taking on an adult dragon would not end well for him." Despite Daemon's reassuring words, Lyanna's body remained stiffened, and he could sense her unease. However, as he continued to massage her shoulders, she gradually relaxed, allowing herself to trust Daemon's words.

"Why would he be interested in Aenar?" Her hands clasped tightly over Daemon's hands that were resting on her shoulders, feeling the warmth of his touch as she waited eagerly for his response.

Daemon answered the question without hesitation, his voice filled with conviction, "There's only one reason I can think of." As his answer hung in the air, his mind wandered to the possibility of his son claiming Cannibal. The mere thought of it filled him with a sense of overwhelming pride. The majestic creature was one of the largest dragons in the land, feared by many. Daemon couldn't help but imagine the look on the faces of the other dragon riders as his son flew Cannibal high into the sky after a few years, demonstrating his skill and mastery over the beast. The thought of it was exhilarating, and he knew that if anyone was capable of taming such a magnificent creature, it was his son.

Daemon was a man that valued pride, but none of them could compare to the moment he tamed Caraxes. The feeling of pride he experienced at that moment was unmatched, and it stayed with him for a long time. Learning how to sword fight was a moment that filled him with excitement and adrenaline, and it became a skill that he would use to defend himself and be known as a great warrior. But then, there was Lyanna, the woman who had captured his heart and soul, and nothing could overshadow the moments they shared together. Her love was the greatest treasure he had ever found. Nevertheless, when his son Aenar was born, Daemon's heart swelled with pride and joy. The sense of accomplishment he felt as a father was indescribable, and he knew that he would do anything to protect his family and keep them safe.

Knowing there was a chance his son could ride Cannibal in the future filled him with great happiness, something he had rarely felt in his life. The dragon's size rivaled even that of Vhaegar and Vermithor, striking fear into the hearts of all who dared to cross its path. With his son as its rightful rider, Daemon was certain that not only would his reputation soar to new heights, but his safety would be ensured as well, for people would think twice before daring to harm him. The power and influence that came with being the master of such a beast were immeasurable.

Based on rumors from the people that had lived in Dragonstone their entire life, all of them had reported numerous times that Cannibal's flames were too hot. Some even said that his flames had burned a young dragon who had been six name days, which should be almost impossible due to the dragon scales that protected dragons from sharp objects and fire.

With a swift movement, Lyanna spun around, her dark hair swishing behind her as she locked eyes with her husband. Her sharp gaze pierced through him like a sword, revealing her deep-seated frustration and fear. She knew sooner or later, the time would come for her sweet son Aenar to claim a dragon. He was a Targaryen, after all. The thought of him soaring through the skies on the back of one of these majestic creatures filled her heart with both pride and fear.

While she had always known that Aenar was destined for greatness, she couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that Cannibal was too dangerous even for a Targaryen. As a mother, she couldn't bear the thought of her sweet son being consumed by the fire-breathing beast that was meant to be his loyal companion. Yet, she knew that this was a decision that Aenar must make on his own, and all she could do was pray that he would choose wisely.

"Aenar, it's still only a baby, not even one name day. Never before has ever happened that a fully grown dragon would be interested in a newborn." Lyanna countered she didn't know as much as Daemon when it came to Dragons and their riders. Still, she knew that in the recorded history thus far, the youngest dragonrider had been King Jaehaerys and that because his egg had hatched in the cradle.

With a confident grin spreading across his face, Daemon declared, "Our son will make history as the youngest dragon rider in the Targaryen dynasty." As Lyanna gazed upon his sly smirk, she couldn't decide whether she was drawn to its mischievous charm or repelled by its arrogance. A rush of conflicting emotions surged through her as she entertained the idea of slapping him across the face one moment, only to find herself longing for his touch the next.

As Daemon's lips met Lyanna's cheek in a gentle and affectionate kiss, his fingers found their way through her long, dark, and curly locks, eliciting a soft sigh of contentment from her. The sensation of his touch, coupled with his tender display of affection, slowly but surely began to ease the tension that had been building up inside her. It was a moment that both of them savored, a moment that allowed them to forget about the worries and stresses of the world around them and simply revel in the warmth and comfort of each other's embrace.

"Don't worry, Lyanna," Daemon's voice was gentle as he spoke to his beloved wife. He gazed at her with a reassuring smile, his purple eyes filled with warmth and affection. "Aenar was born to do great things," he continued his words resonating with confidence and conviction. "As long as I draw breath," Daemon's voice grew stronger, "I will never let him get hurt."Lyanna nodded reluctantly, her mind racing with thoughts and worries. She knew that Aenar was too precious for both of them, and the mere thought of him coming to harm filled her with dread. But she also knew that Daemon was a man of his word, a steadfast and loyal husband who would do anything to protect their son. As she looked into Daemon's eyes, Lyanna felt a sense of calm wash over her. She knew that their son was in good hands, that he would grow up to become a great man, just as they had both hoped and dreamed.

Lyanna expressed her gratitude to Daemon with a grateful smile that lit up her face as she felt the warmth of his embrace. The affectionate exchange between the couple was palpable as they locked lips in a deep and passionate kiss. Lyanna could feel the intensity of his desire for her as his strong hands firmly gripped her buttocks, kneading them with a tantalizing touch that made her moan with pleasure. The sensation of his touch and the euphoria of the moment lifted her up, both figuratively and literally, into a state of pure bliss.

The sound of her giggles filled the air as Daemon's strong arm wrapped around her waist, guiding her toward the nearest desk. As he placed her down, she felt a rush of excitement course through her body, causing her to become wet and aroused. Despite the nagging voice in the back of her mind reminding her of their time constraint, a larger, more primal part of her longed for Daemon to rip the annoying dress from her body so that he could take her right then and there.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Daemon leaned in towards Lyanna's ear and growled her name in a low, sultry tone. "Lyanna," sending shivers down her spine. As she turned to face him, he playfully nibbled on her earlobe, knowing all too well how much she enjoyed the sensation. Her body trembled with desire as he continued to tease her, drawing her closer and closer to the edge of passion. With a loud moan, Lyanna surrendered herself completely to him, consumed by the fiery lust that burned within her.

Lyanna stood in front of her husband, her body aching with desire as she gazed into his eyes. With a blunt demand, she uttered, "Fuck Me, Daemon," Without hesitation, her husband quickly rid her of her dress. As he pressed his body against hers, she let out a loud moan of pleasure, feeling him slowly thrusting inside her. With each movement, Lyanna's body trembled with ecstasy, her mind consumed with the sensations that Daemon's touch was bringing her. She couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him deeply, her fingers tracing the contours of his body as he held her close. With his strong hands grasping her breasts, Lyanna felt a sense of unbridled passion coursing through her, each moment bringing her closer to the pinnacle of pleasure.


Lyanna and Daemon had been lost in a world of passion for what seemed like hours, their bodies entwined in an embrace that conveyed all the intense emotions they felt for each other. As they lay there, basking in the afterglow of their love, they decided to get dressed and fix their hair, wanting to present themselves in the best way possible. While Daemon was pulling up his pants, they heard a knock on the door, which made them stop in their tracks. At first, Daemon was about to dismiss whoever was on the other side of the door. However, before he could speak, the voice of a servant was heard.

"Prince Daemon, Princess Lyanna. Your son was crying, and I brought him here. Can we enter?" A servant's voice was heard from the other side of the wooden door. Daemon and Lyanna shared a glance before she nodded.

As Lyanna was finishing up dressing herself, she hurriedly called out, "Come in!" to the person on the other side of the door, hoping whoever was there wouldn't catch her in the midst of her disheveled state. Her hair was a tangled mess, and she knew it was only a matter of time before she'd have to tame the wild locks. As she tried to smooth down a few stubborn strands, the unmistakable scent of sex lingered in the air around her like a sweet perfume. Just as she was starting to feel embarrassed about her appearance and her indiscretions, the door finally opened, revealing a servant standing there with the most precious bundle in her arms- her baby boy Aenar. Despite not yet being a name day, the little one had grown so much, and his chubby cheeks and bright eyes filled her heart with joy. His gurgles and coos were music to her ears.

"Aenar." she scooped up the little boy into her arms, his chubby cheeks rosy with excitement as he giggled with delight at the sight of his mother. Holding him close, Lyanna pressed kisses onto his soft skin, feeling the warmth of his little body against hers as she breathed in the sweet scent of his hair.

"The best prince in the world." She said with a full grin at her little Prince, rubbing her cheeks against his. He let out a cute giggle at her touch, his little legs flailing around in the air as if he was trying to stand on his own. Despite being only six months old, he seemed ready to walk.

Lyanna, with utmost care and tenderness, gingerly placed her precious bundle of joy on the soft and plushy red carpet of their spacious and cozy room. The little one's chubby legs were in a constant state of motion as if trying to stand up and explore the world around him, but alas, his frail bones and unripe muscles had not yet developed enough to support his weight, causing him to topple over and land on his little tush.

Lyanna watched with amusement as her son wobbled unsteadily on his chubby little legs, his round face scrunched up in a mixture of concentration and frustration. She couldn't help but feel a surge of maternal pride mixed with amusement at the sight. Her little boy was growing up so fast, and she couldn't wait to see him take his first steps. As she looked down at him, she almost laughed at the adorable expression on his face, which seemed to say, "Why won't my legs do what I want them to?" She knew that he just needed a little more time to grow and develop the strength he needed to stand on his own two feet, but in the meantime, she was happy to be there to support and encourage him every step of the way.

She quickly picked him up in her arms, kissing his cheek again for trying. Her baby boy let out a giggle. His dark hair had started to grow somewhat. His purple eyes were very similar to his father's eyes.

As Lyanna gazed into Aenar's eyes, she couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance they shared with his father, Daemon. However, whenever she mentioned it to him, he would always reply with a melancholic tone, divulging the heart-wrenching truth that Aenar's eyes were not only similar to his but were also identical to those of his deceased brother, Prince Aegon Targaryen. The young prince had lived for only a year. His life cut short by a vicious illness that had taken him away from this world. Despite his sorrow, Daemon took solace in the fact that a part of his brother lived on in his son.

Daemon had told her that he still remembered his little brother's eyes, despite being only four name days when Aegon had died at the age of one name day. Daemon had told her that his little brother had the brightest set of Purple eyes he had ever seen, and Aenar had the same ones.

"How is my young dragon?" Daemon said with a big smile, picking Aenar from her arms and kissing the top of his forehead. Aenar smiled brightly at the attention, the baby boy responded with a bright, toothless smile, his mouth opening wide as he babbled incoherently, his tiny hands waving in the air with glee.

Daemon laughed as Aenar kept babbling as if he was trying to speak but couldn't. He turned his face at Lyanna.

"We are leaving."


The servants bustled about, carrying the heavy trunks and bags filled with their belongings. Lyanna held Aenar tightly in her arms, attempting to prevent him from squirming away as he gazed in wonder at the surrounding sights. Despite his young age, Aenar was already proving to be an adventurous spirit, his inquisitive eyes taking in every detail, from the towering castle behind them to the vast open fields that stretched out before them. His attention was particularly drawn to a magnificent red dragon that stood regally in the distance, its scales glinting in the sunlight. As the group made their way towards the ship, Lyanna struggled to keep hold of her exploratory child, whose insatiable curiosity seemed to know no bounds.

Her husband was wearing armor as if he was going to a battle. He even had a sword strapped to his waist when she had asked why? His only response was that he feared that Cannibal might attack them. Daemon quickly added that the chances were low, but he didn't want to take any chances.

Thus far, Cannibal was still inside his cave. The dragon had yet to come out; Lyanna was walking through a long series of roads made of stone that led from the castle to the docks of Dragonstone, with her hair gently swaying in the breeze, and her eyes wandering over the beautiful view of the sea, which stretched out as far as the eye could see. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks echoed in her ears, and the salty smell of the sea filled her lungs. Several servants had asked if she wanted someone else to hold the baby, but Lyanna had refused.

Turning to the left, she finally saw the ship they would use to sail to King's Landing. The silence was broken by an unmistakable sound that sent shivers down their spines. At that moment, everyone heard the piercing roar of Cannibal, The Black Dragon, as it echoed from Dragonmont to Dragonstone. The sound was so loud and deafening that it felt like the very earth was shaking beneath their feet. With bated breath, they watched as a massive black figure emerged from the dark, foreboding cave. The outline of his enormous wings and razor-sharp talons were hard to miss against the dimly lit cave entrance. The ground surrounding the cave was littered with the charred bones of baby dragons and even dragon eggs, a grisly reminder of his insatiable appetite for dragons.

Lyanna gulped, her heart beating in her throat as Cannibal took the skies. Even from so far away, she could tell he was much larger than Caraxes, Daemon prepared to mount his dragon and fight Cannibal head-on, but the black dragon, just like last time, was simply observing them, flapping his large wings, his figure cast a large shadow on the island.

Lyanna watched as Cannibal, soared through the air, his wingspan casting a shadow across the land. With every beat of his massive wings, he stirred the wind, causing it to dance and sway. She watched as the dragon made tight circles, his scales glistening in the sunlight, before descending to the ground with a thunderous crash that echoed throughout the island. Even from where Lyanna was standing, she could feel the earth shake beneath her feet, she didn't know for how long she held her breath, expecting Cannibal to attack, but instead, he just stood there, observing them, mainly Aenar who, unlike the others, wasn't afraid; instead the six months old baby was giggling, babbling and spreading his arms towards Cannibal, thinking he was his new giant toy.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself. Slowly, as she opened her eyes, she realized that the beast wasn't attacking them, and she let out a sigh of relief. However, as she looked around, she noticed that her loyal servants, who had been standing by her side, had gone pale in the face, their bodies trembling with fear. They looked more like ghosts than people; Lyanna couldn't really blame them; Cannibal was one of the most dangerous dragons in Westeros, after all.

"To the Ship." Daemon's voice made them all stumble on their feet before quickly walking up to the ship; Daemon soon joined Lyanna. Once they stepped inside the ship, the wood creaked from their footsteps. Daemon wasted no time telling the captain to sail for King's Landing while suspiciously eyeing the black dragon as the ship sailed away from Dragonstone. As the ship sailed away from Dragonstone, the salty sea breeze whipped their hair and clothes, and the sound of the waves crashing against the hull filled their ears, drowning out everything else.

Amidst the towering cliffs of Dragonstone. Caraxes quickly jumped from the highest hill of Dragonstone, spreading his wings. He followed Daemon behind, but what took everyone by surprise was Cannibal slowly walking up the same hill where Caraxes had jumped from. For a moment, he stood there before spreading his wings, preparing to fly.

As the ship sailed away, leaving behind a trail of frothy waves, Cannibal, with a quick, smooth jump, he extended his large, wings, unfurling them to their full span. Daemon, at that moment, no longer had doubts. For some reason, Cannibal was interested in Aenar, not because he wanted to harm him, but instead as if Aenar was his rider.

Daemon found himself laughing, Lyanna glared at him, but he didn't stop, his son wasn't even one name day, and he already had a massive dragon as his mount. After he stopped laughing, he turned to face his wife, who was still holding Aenar in her arms in a protective manner.

"Do you think King Jaehaerys will be happy?" Lyanna suddenly asked. Daemon cursed under his breath. He hadn't thought of it before now. Even if Cannibal was following Aenar, Daemon highly doubted the dragon would obey the dragon keepers in The Dragon Pit. Which would leave Cannibal flying around freely, and a wild dragon like him in King's Landing was a disaster waiting to happen.


After sailing for the whole day and night, Lyanna felt like she would puke everything by the time they reached King's Landing. The rhythmic swaying of the ship beneath her feet had at first been soothing, but as the hours wore on, the constant motion had begun to take its toll. By the time the moon was high in the sky, Lyanna's queasiness had reached an unbearable level. She stumbled to her cabin, trying to keep her stomach from lurching, but it was too late. She spent the rest of the night in a miserable state, the waves crashing against the hull of the ship as she lay in her bunk, feeling like she would lose everything she had eaten in the past week. Despite knowing that sea sickness was a common affliction of sailors, Lyanna couldn't help feeling frustrated and embarrassed by her own weakness.

Daemon had told her that both Caraxes and Cannibal were following the ship, Lyanna had hoped Cannibal would sooner or later fly back to the Dragonmont, but the Black Dragon had followed the ship. Thankfully it seemed Caraxes hadn't been annoyed by his presence and hadn't resulted in a fight between the two.

Lyanna stirred and slowly opened her eyes, only to be greeted by the warm embrace of the sun's rays as they filtered through the small, round window of the ship. The gentle rocking motion of the vessel was the only sound that greeted her ears, and the musky smell of saltwater filled her nostrils. As she shifted in her bed, Lyanna's mind struggled to piece together the fragments of her memories, and it took her a moment to recall that she was on a ship.

As the ship swayed back and forth, Lyanna clutched onto the edge of her bed, her face a pale shade of green. Lyanna's eyes darted towards the bucket near her bed, the very sight of it making her stomach churn. The captain's voice echoed in her head, reminding her to only eat light food until they reached their destination in King's Landing.

As she gracefully swung her legs over the side of the bed frame, cautiously and deliberately, the soft touch of her feet met the cool, hard surface of the wooden floor of the ship, echoing through the quiet room. All around her, the gentle swaying of the vessel, as if it was a lullaby, brought a sense of tranquility to the moment. In the dim light of the cabin, she could see that Daemon was still sleeping soundly, his chest rising and falling with each breath, and their son was sleeping peacefully in his small bed that was lovingly prepared for him. The sound of the waves outside provided a soothing backdrop to the peaceful scene, as she sat there quietly.

As she walked up to the round window, and she could hear the sound of the small waves crashing against the ship's hull. Looking outside, she saw the vast ocean stretching out into infinity, and the seagulls soaring elegantly above the ship, their wings catching the rays of the sun. As they neared the coast, she could make out the faint outline of the land, its rugged terrain slowly taking shape on the horizon and two dragons flying just a little behind the ship.

Lyanna watched as Caraxes swooped down to the surface of the sea. He plunged his long, powerful legs into the water, creating a small splash. With lightning-fast reflexes, Caraxes's legs emerged from the water, a small sea creature clenched tightly between his razor-sharp fangs.The dragon wasted no time in devouring his prey, his powerful jaws crushing through the creature's upper body with ease. As he chewed, flames erupted from his mouth, singeing the surrounding air with a searing heat. Blood spurted from the sea creature's body, painting the surface of the water crimson, as Caraxes's jaw quickly filled with the warm, sticky fluid.With another bite, the sea creature was no more, and Caraxes let out a triumphant roar, his massive red jaws glistening with blood.

Lyanna looked at Cannibal, who, unlike Caraxes, flying lower and closer to the water's surface. His massive legs almost touched the surface, and his piercing green eyes scanned the sea as if searching for something. Lyanna watched as Cannibal suddenly shoved his head into the water, then quickly pulled it out again. She waited with bated breath, wondering what he had caught. To her surprise, the black dragon's mouth was filled to the brim with hundreds, if not thousands, of little fishes, each the size of a human hand, closing his jaw, Lyanna couldn't see it, but Cannibal breathed fire around his mouth to cook the little fishes before swallowing them in one gulp.

Lyanna quickly moved away from the window. She didn't need to see two large dragons eating sea creatures. Her attention turned to Aenar, who was quietly sleeping in his little bed. She walked up to him. Her baby boy was mesmerizing, her finger slowly caressing his tiny head. His dark hair had just started to come out.

Later - King's Landing

Upon reaching the docks near the Mud Gate, Lyanna, Daemon, and Aenar were in the main dock of The Ship. The captain had informed them they had almost arrived.

Lyanna, the Lady of House Stark, stood tall with her head held high, exuding an air of confidence and poise, as she felt the gentle breeze caressing her face on the dock bustling with activity. The bustling of ships bringing in essential supplies to the city was a sight to behold, with sailors shouting orders, the clanking of cargo being unloaded, and the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore, creating a symphony of sounds that was both chaotic and mesmerizing. As expected, Caraxes had landed near the city gates waiting for Daemon to lead him to the Dragon Pit, but the same wasn't for Cannibal; Daemon held his breath, expecting the worst, expecting him to start bathing the city In Green flames. Instead, Cannibal did neither. He soared over the city's walls, his powerful wings carrying him towards the Kingswood. As Cannibal landed amongst the trees

As the ship drew near the dock, the sailors aboard sprang into action, their movements swift and synchronized as they expertly dropped the anchor and secured the ship's ropes to the main dock. With practiced ease, they ensured that the vessel would remain steady and secure, preventing it from drifting away with the current. A large party sent by the King was waiting for them in the docks; Lyanna recognized the gold cloaks of King's Landing right away.

Daemon's eyes found his father waiting there. A carriage was waiting for them. Daemon turned to Lyanna before taking Aenar from her arms. They stepped into the docks; Daemon held his boy in his arms as they walked up to Prince Baelon, the Crown Prince of The Seven Kingdoms. Walking up to his father, Daemon and Lyanna bowed to him.

"You're my son. No need for that." Prince Baelon quickly said, motioning for his son to stand up; As Baelon's gaze swept over his son, he noticed a slight shift in his posture, and his eyes quickly followed the direction of his son's arms. There, nestled in the crook of his son's elbow, was a bundle, wrapped in soft blankets. Baelon's heart swelled with pride and joy as he realized that the bundle was his grandson. A smile spread across his face.

"Your grace, I present my son, Prince Aenar of House Targaryen," Daemon said, handing Aenar to his father.

Prince Baelon held his grandson in his arms. It had been a year since he had held a baby. Little Laena didn't like to be held by strangers. Baelon expected a similar reaction from his grandson, little Aenar opened his eyes, and Prince Baelon felt his breath stuck in his throat. His grandson's eyes were almost identical to his dead uncle's eyes. Baelon felt his eyes welling up with tears. It almost felt like going back in time to when he had first laid his eyes upon little Aegon.

Taking a deep breath, he remembered he was in a public place. Baelon regained his composure, his finger gently touching his grandson's hand, who had reached out to grab his hand with his little fingers. Baelon leaned closer, kissing his grandson's small nose. The baby let out a cute giggle. Baelon looked up at his son and his wife with pride.

"He's beautiful, a truly worthy prince, and a future lord of Summerhall."

Fun Question: What do you think about George's original draft of GoT? In his first version, Arya and Jon were supposed to fall in love, and Tyrion was supposed to fall in love with Arya, forming a Love Triangle??