Revenge is a dish best served Cold

Hello, Drinor here. I'm happy to publish a new Chapter of Dance of The Dragonwolf.

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Chapter 45 (Dragons and Snakes), Chapter 46 ('You are not Loved'), Chapter 47 (Rhaenyra's Rage), Chapter 48 (Spread your Wings), Chapter 49 (A Falling Dragon), Chapter 50 (Even Eyes Can Lie), Chapter 51 (A Crying Dragon), Chapter 52 (Tears of a Dragon), Chapter 53 (I Wish We Had More Time), Chapter 54 (The Bitter Harvest), Chapter 55 (Red Vipers, White Lies), Chapter 56 (Purple Eyes, Dark Crown), Chapter 57 (Learning to Dance with Storms), Chapter 58 (A Sister's Oath), Chapter 59 (Flames of Grief), Chapter 60 (Blood of the Dragon, Heart of the Sun), Chapter 61 (Lust and Dragons), and Chapter 62 (Between Lives and Deaths) are already available for Patrons.


' "Miche!" A voice screamed; he gasped, opening his eyes wide, only for a torrent of water to be splashed on his face. The water ran down his face, and the cold made him shudder; it wasn't even warm water.

"What the hell! Who dares throw water to me? You son of a bitch, I hope you are ready—" He gasped upon seeing Prince Aenar holding an empty bucket, and behind him were two angry-looking Kingsguards.

"Usually I would say good morrow, Miche, but it's still afternoon, so good afternoon." The Prince said humorously as he handed the empty bucket to the little boy. His name was Jatan, if Miche remembered correctly.

Miche felt cold, wet, and bitter as he glared up at the Prince. "What the hell do you want? You better have a good reason to splash me—" "Watch your tongue, or I will cut it for you."

"No need Ser Criston. Miche just had a bad day. How about about a slice of your favorite pie for an apology." The Prince said with his charming smile, walking up to him and extending his hand towards him.

Miche groaned as he rubbed his face with his palm, trying to get rid of the water still on it. Thankfully, his helper quickly handed him a big towel. "Thanks, Jatan." He said right away as he cleaned his face and his hair. The water still clenched into the rags he called clothes and leaked inside his ears. That's good, he thought, knowing the cockroaches inside would never survive the water.

"My name is Heli. Good ser."

"Who cares? Your mother didn't care when she gave you that ugly name, and neither should I." Miche complained out loud as he accepted the Prince's hand and stood up on his feet, the water dripping from his body into the wooden planks below. He was sure the boy rolled his eyes before walking away like the good little helper that he was.

"Come, I need your help with the supplies," the Prince said as he walked past the Kingsguards. The two knights wearing shining armor gave him weird looks, getting Miche a little annoyed, especially the young one with dark hair like a girl. Children these days have no respect.

"What? You want to suck my cock is that it. You should do it now that it's clean." Miche said with a puff of his chest, pointing down at his pants; the two Kingsguards looked like they wanted to beat him up but allowed him to walk past them.

"Make one wrong move and I will cut your balls off, and make you eat them." The young one said behind him as he followed the Prince towards the inn across the street.

"Hmm, they are quite pretty to look at, they are my biggest treasure. Do you want to take a look? You should try them too. Maybe after the pie you can come into my house, and—" He was interrupted when the boy placed his hand on his shoulder with enough strength for his legs to wince in pain, and the boy gave him a glare. Miche was sure the boy would cut him in two.

Not the worst way to go, he thought; it would be a little painful, but he was sure it was better than the pain he had felt around his neck for a whole month, and the weird looks he got from Jatan were the worst part.

"Ser Criston, let him go. We are friends here." Prince Aenar said with a commanding voice, looking straight at Ser Criston. The latter growled like a dog before forcefully pushing him away.

Miche chuckled slightly; children these days were all too serious anyway. The Prince gave him a look, and Miche knew he needed to keep his mouth shut. As they resumed their walking towards the inn, he was hoping Miranda was there. Cold nights were the worst, and the hands could only do so much to help, but he doubted she would ever come close to his bed.

Aenar pushed open the door of the inn; he didn't bother to hide his face; the inn fell silent for a moment as he walked inside, followed by Miche, who was busy staring at Miranda to pay attention to anything else, with Ser Criston and Ser Elric Stark, who seemed quite uncomfortable to be here. The others inside the inn resumed talking when Aenar walked towards the inn owner.

"Your grace, gods blessed my eyes. What can I do for you?" Miranda asked with a sweet smile on her face, too sweet as he felt her blue eyes on his form, especially on his exposed chest from the plain shirt he was wearing.

"Beer for my friends, pie, and a private room," Aenar said as he slammed his hand on the desk, leaving a gold coin. Miranda was standing on the other side of the desk.

Miranda is a young woman of average height with blue eyes and black hair that goes up to just above her shoulders. She wore a yellow kerchief, an orange blouse with black sleeves and a long light blue skirt, orange sneakers with white soles, and a necklace from Lys. She was beautiful with a kind face.

"Of course, my Prince. Whatever you desire." The woman said with a big smile as she walked over to his side of the desk before leading him to one door that led to the back of the inn. This room was square, with only one table and six chairs around it. Aenar scooted out a chair, with Miche sitting on the other side of the table. The Kingsguards didn't sit. Instead, they chose to loom over Miche like giants.

"Miranda, how about you sit with us?" Miche asked with a big smile, showing off his missing front teeth and the burn scar across the roof of his mouth.

Miranda wrinkled her nose at his sight. "I see you are still sucking air. I heard the Dothraki captured you and made a feast out of your lungs, and drop the rest in a field somewhere."

"They got close, but I scared them away," Miche said with a huff of his chest, but Miranda rolled her eyes before walking out of the private room.

"You scared off Dothraki?!" Ser Criston asked incredulously, looking at Miche with a hint of disbelief.

"Trust me, boy. The Dothraki have no brains; the only ones in their army who have brains are their horses, and that's why they worship them. You asked me how I scared them off. Well, it turns out a big horse terrifies them." Miche said with a chuckle as he looked down at his hands, the letter 'L' burned on the flesh of his palm.

Ser Criston looked at the man like he wanted to slap him across the face, while Ser Elric Stark seemed a little put out by Miche, especially from the burn mark on his palm.

"Alright, I need you to tell me about this city's supplies, Miche." Aenar said in a serious voice, wanting to get this done as soon as possible.

"Not much to tell, your grace. Your deal with Highgarden is going smoothly, but yesterday. Five more red ladies appeared. I had to hide them before the rats of the Seven saw them, they were close. Trust me." Aenar noticed the way Ser Criston and Ser Elric Stark seemed stunned by Miche's sudden change of tone.

The man chuckled at their expression before digging deep into his pockets, pulling out a knife, and dropping it on the table. He noticed the way the two Kingsguards tried to reach for their swords. "You two are Kingsguards. You might be the best of this land, but you can never draw a sword faster than one can draw a dagger. Luckily for you two, your Prince knows how to draw a dagger," The man continued as he slid down the sleeve of his right hand, revealing an ugly scar across the skin.

"What is this dagger?"

"A holy brother had it with him, your grace. I might miss half of my brain, but I'm sure people of the faith are not supposed to carry blades. King Jaehaerys forbid them. They were nine of them, all carrying a dagger, it's cheap, but it's sharp."

"They are arming themselves..." Aenar wondered out loud as he looked at the dagger.

"The stunt your Red Lady pulled with them had made them all wary and angry. They came to me, asking questions if I have seen a Red Beautiful Lady, though they didn't call her that." Miche said grumpily as he used his fingers to clean the inside of his ears.

"What did you tell them, Miche?" Aenar asked, ignoring his two kingsguards.

"They asked me where the cheese was, but it seemed they didn't appreciate the cheese I offered them, and told me the Seven would punish me." Miche said with a laugh.

"Good. I need you to hold some of the supplies from reaching the Red Keep for now."

Miche wasn't the only one who was taken aback by this, as were Ser Criston and Ser Eldric Stark. "Hold the supplies from reaching The Red Keep! Your grace, what you are asking is not something I can make happen with a snap of my fingers. As much as I wish, I'm not a magic man."

"But you can do it. You helped me with the crowd, and you can help me again," Aenar said, grasping a pouch hidden inside his clothes before throwing it at Miche's hands.

The man looked inside, and his eyes lit up. Ser Criston tried to take a small peak, but the pouch was closed before he could. Miche whistled and looked at the Prince sitting across from him. "Consider it done, your grace, but I hope you know I cannot keep all of them. The Hand might see me and when it comes between my life and job. I like keeping my neck where it is for now." Miche answered, earning irritated looks from the two Kingsguards.

Their conversation was interrupted when the door opened, and Miranda walked in, holding four jugs full of beer and two plates of cheery pie from Braavos.

"Your head will remain there, Miche, and if you finish one more job for me, you will get your reward." Aenar said seriously as he slowly leaned over the table as Miranda placed down their food, ignoring the way she looked at him.

"Reward?" He asked with growing interest. Miranda served them their food and walked outside.

"Larys Strong." That's all Aenar said, and Miche's face went all red and the Kingsgaurds quickly pulled out their daggers, ready to defend their Prince, but Aenar wasn't concerned as Miche took deep breaths, the anger, the hatred, he seemed like a man who was boiling inside.

Miche took deep breaths; his hands grasped the wooden table, causing the wood to creak loudly.

"...Larys Strong. We are talking about a noble here. One doesn't just make a man of his status vanish, your grace. How do I know your are not just pulling my leg here?" Miche demanded, but a small part deep inside him was hoping he was right. It sounded like a dream, but he wanted it to be true more than anything.

Aenar didn't answer. Instead, he threw something else at Miche's hand and quickly grasped it mid-air. Once his eyes looked down at it, he gasped in shock. His fingers moved across the surface of the patch of cloth. It's been nine years, but he still remembered it. "Malaa!" He held the cloth patch close to his heart before looking up at the Prince sitting across from him.

"What else do you need me to do, your grace?"



After one more hour of talking, they reached an agreement and left the inn. Ser Elric asked why he needed to talk with the man.

"He might not look much, but Miche Sand knows everything that comes in and out of this city. He's a trader, but he chooses to wear rags because it helps him to fool people more easily. He helped me to bring Lady Kinvara to King's Landing, and he made sure the trap set by her would work against the Holy Brothers." Aenar explained to his cousin. The man looked deep in thought before nodding in understanding.

His other protector looked conflicted the whole journey back to the Red Keep until he finally asked. "Your grace, are you sure about this?" Ser Criston asked as they were walking back to the Red Keep. Ser Elric had chosen to stay quiet, but Aenar knew he had his own doubts about this, and Aenar could not blame him.

"Tell me, Ser Criston. How does one come to have power in their hands?"

Ser Criston looked at Ser Elric, who seemed as confused as him. Instead of just walking through the front door of the Red Keep, they were sneaking inside through the tunnels.

"...Through their birth. The Prince and Princess are born in the Royal Family, and that grants them power over many people."

"True, but there are many ways one could hold power in their hands. People like Miche mask their stupidity and use that to gain control over people. It's an old trick: the more you know, the more the more power you hold. Power might come from belief. A High Septon holds power over people through their words. Belief is an important thing to many people. What I told Miche to do might not be moral, but it's a way to ensure the future of Westeros. If this is too much for you, you can leave, and no longer be my Sworn Shield." Aenar stopped and turned to face Ser Criston, who looked conflicted.

"But I believe you know what is like." He added, making his sworn shield look up to him. "You know what war is like and the things one needs to do to survive. You know the cost one must pay for the future." Aenar added before leaning closer so only Criston could hear. "One must be willing to do bad things for the good of all. You said the same Ser Criston when your lord asked you if you thought he was a bad man."

Criston's eyes went wide, and he looked at Prince Aenar with more shock than ever before. "H--Ho--How do you know that?" he gasped out, his throat feeling drier than a desert.

"A little bird told me. Now will you follow me, Ser Criston."

The Sworn Shield looked at his sword brother, who nodded. He quickly looked back at his Prince. He had given him everything he ever wanted. "...I will, your grace. To the very end," Ser Criston swore, bending the knee in front of his Prince.



"You trust this Miche?" his father questioned him as they walked down the road leading to the port. Half of the City Watch would come with them, and the other half would stay here to ensure things went according to plan. For five hundred soldiers to sail to Dragonstone, they needed ships, and Miche had ensured Aenar that they could use his ships to sail to Dragonstone with the five hundred men they were taking with them.

"I do. I know you are wary of strangers, but Miche would never turn on his word. The man would rather hang himself than turn on his words, especially when he knows what I'm offering him." Aenar said with a cunning smile.

"And what is that you are offering this man?"

"Payback, father. Revenge can draw a man insane, to the point they would do anything to grasp it fully in their hands. Miche knows the taste of unfairness and anger. He will do everything for the chance that 'Justice' will be finally given to him." Aenar said back to him; his father gave him a long look before letting out a sigh through his nose.

"Sometimes I wonder when did you get so many men loyal to you?" His father murmured under his breath, but Aenar heard him still.

For a moment, he pondered whether to answer, but this was his father, after all.

"Nine years."


"For the last nine years, my great-grandmother has been teaching me everything she knew. She wanted me to be ready, having a dragon doesn't make you invisible. The people of this city are still a force we should never understimate. So it's better to have them in our side, tell me father, if the High Septon ordered the people of King's Landing right now to storm the Dragon Pit, saying it was the Seven's will for all the Dragons to perish. What do you think would happen?"

Daemon felt this was a little random, but he couldn't help but scoff at the thought. "They would never listen to such madness."

"That's where you are wrong, father. The Faith of the Seven has more strength than you realize, and they know that. That's why every marriage should be approved by a priest or a Head Priest for the Royal Marriages. They control Westeros. The new King should be crowned by the High Priest, and thousands of people pray in front of the Great Sept every week. They believe in the words the High Septon says, and that gives him more power than House Targaryen has right now. If the High Septon told them the Dragons are a curse, and their death was the Seven's will, then many people of this city will give their life to fullfill the Seven's will." Aenar explained as they got closer to the docks.

Daemon scoffed, but not because he thought his son was talking nonsense. "If they try that, then dragons will have their stomachs full for quite a few weeks." He added with a snarky smile before turning to face his son. "Is that why you are trying to push a war in the faith, you want to get rid of the Faith of the Seven, and install a faith that would be more willing to support the Targaryen Reign."

"Destroying the Faith is only the first step towards to what I'm aiming to do. Things need to happen so the future is more secure." Aenar answered cryptically, earning a chuckle of amusement from his father.

"Sometimes I feel like you are much older than you look. When I was your age, all I did all day was annoy my brother and my father and chase after girls," his father said with a clenched jaw; the memories of what his brother had done were still fresh in his mind.

Maybe I am, Aenar wanted to say but held his tongue as they finally arrived in front of the docks; ships had arrived for them to carry half of the City Watch. Miche stood in front of the docks with ten guards; they all bowed to them the moment they got closer.

"Did you do it, where is she?" Aenar demanded right away.

"Inside, my Prince, she is safe and unharmed. It took a bit of convincing, but she agreed to come with you in the end." Miche reported, not fully looking at their eyes as he bowed his head.

"Who?" His father demanded right away, but Miche did not answer him.

"Rhaenyra, father. Viserys's betrayal caught me off guard, I needed to organise all this much faster than I thought, and I didn't have time to talk with Nyra about this, so I send Miche here to talk with her and explain to her that she could come with us to Dragonstone if she so desires." His father looked shocked that his niece was on the ship, but the look he gave his son made it clear.

'We will talk later about this.'

"You have done a good job, Miche. Make sure you complete the second part of your job left, and the reward will be yours." Aenar reminded the man, and he nodded earnestly; for the first time in nine years, his eyes had a rare glitter.

As Aenar walked inside the ship prepared for him, he told the captain to sail straight to Dragonstone. Once he walked into his chamber, he didn't have time to lock the door before someone jumped on him.

"Rhaeny—" He was interrupted when he felt her soft lips against his, and it wasn't helping that her beautiful body was pressing against him as she hugged him, her legs around his waist.

As they pulled away, Aenar's hands went around her lower back, holding her up. "Are you sure about this, Rhaenyra? You know you can still go back if you want. There are five guards who will walk you back to your chamber without saying a word about this."

Her eyes were red, and her cheeks were puffy. "I want this, Aenar. My—my father, he betrayed both of us, Aenar. Not just you. I love you, and I want to be with you, with you and Laena. Is that okay?" Her purple eyes had never shown so much love for him, and her voice quivered as she spoke, her hot breath against his face, her beautiful lips just mere inches away from his.

Aenar did not answer. Instead, he kissed her passionately, carrying her over to their bed. '

Sara Stark - Now

' "I did not do it." She begged on her knees, her voice hoarse from crying, and her throat burned like a hot coal, but the man in the shadows stared back at her without saying a word. His face was engulfed in darkness, but she could see his grey eyes staring back at her with hatred.

"Please, Your Grace. Believe me. I didn't know it was Poisoned." She cried out when a lump formed in her throat. From the darkness, a dragon's head slowly revealed itself, its scales green, yet he seemed like the devil himself, his head just a better above the man.

A lump formed in her throat as the dragon slowly leaned closer, looking down at her with hatred; just like his master, she looked down at her hands, crying and sobbing, and finally she found the strength to speak...

"Your—Aaaahhhhhh!!" She screamed as the flames engulfed her...

A scream pierced through the darkness of the night; her throat burned like fire as she thrashed around, her body shook, she screamed and screamed, the flames burning her.

"Please STOP!!"

"Sara! SARA!!" She gasped when she felt someone shaking her wildly; she thrashed, her hand hit something hard, and she heard someone yelp in pain as she crawled away in fear.

"Please. I didn't know--" "Sara."

Her eyes opened, and in front of her stood her mother, staring at her with shock and concern. Her heart felt like it was trying to burst out of her chest; every heartbeat felt like a bell ringing in her ears; her eyes noticed her brother on the floor with a red mark on his face as if someone had slapped him.

"What happened? Is it the same dream?" Her mother asked softly, sitting on the edge of her bed, her arms going around Sara's shoulder.

Sara didn't know why, but she let out a sob, and before she knew it, she was hugging her mother and crying, tears rolling down her cheeks. She could feel her mother's hand on her back, telling her she was safe now.

But as Sara opened her eyes, her body froze when she saw the bloody, cursed dragon egg glowing red on her fireplace.

The dragon will come out and burn me. "TAKE THAT THING AWAY FROM HERE!!" She screamed in fear as she crawled away until her back hit the backboard of the bed.

"Sara, we talked about this, the egg is yours," Her brother tried to reason with her, but Sara's face had never looked paler.

"NO. I DON'T WANT TO BURN. TAKE THAT THING AWAY FROM HERE!!" She screamed and screamed and stopped only when Cregan took the egg away, but still gave her sister a look of anger before he left the chamber.

As she lay on her bed, Sara wished this nightmare would end soon. She knew her mother was singing to her, trying to calm her down, but she hardly noticed her. I didn't know it was poisoned; she repeated the words from her dream over and over until she fell into slumber.

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