Tears were running down both of their faces now.

"Then take it. Take it all! Please Miriya, you know me better than anyone! Can you imagine how miserable I'd be feeling without you by my side right now?"

Silence fell upon them. Miriya wiped some tears from her face and gave Circe a look that showed that she understood. They exchanged glances for several moments before Circe finally broke the silence once more.

"Okay, then. How does it work? How does your ring bring you back into the past?" Circe asked quietly. Miriya closed her eyes in frustration as she tried to grasp hold of an answer. The only way to bring people from the future back to life is to use Miriam's ring, which means that it has to work for Miria and her family. She took a deep breath and exhaled before opening her eyes once again. She began playing around with her ring, rolling it around her hand before placing it onto Circe's finger.

"This is what happened last night... Last night I… I used Miria's ring to save my life and my father's too. My ring will allow you to see the past from Miriam's point of view in the present. As long as we both focus our attention on my ring, you can see my memories in its full potential. I just need one person to believe in me and trust me enough to accept the truth. Once I've convinced him, I'll be able to return to the past with you guys. After that, we can figure out how to solve my problem and send your father back to the past where he belongs." Miriya explained while watching Circe intently. Her eyes glistened as she saw how determined and focused Circe seemed as he nodded his head in agreement.

Circe looked deep into Miriya's bright crimson eyes as he studied her expression closely before nodding his head once again, confirming his decision. "Alright, we can start now." He reached for Miriya's left hand before grabbing hold of the gold band on her ring finger. Circe began chanting a phrase repeatedly under his breath. "Miriam, Mirio, Miramae, Miro, Miro… Miramamae!" Circe shouted loudly as Miriya watched on anxiously. Miriya felt a wave of pain rush through her body like an explosion of electricity. A loud cry escaped her lips as she doubled over in pain. Everything around her became blurry as tears spilled profusely. Before Miriya knew it, she blacked out completely. She hadn't moved or reacted to anything going on around her in quite some time.

Circe opened his eyes suddenly, taking notice of Miriya's sudden lack of awareness. He quickly removed the ring from Miriya's finger before calling out to her gently, hoping to stir her awake. Circe shook her lightly as Miriya came crashing back into reality.

"Mira! You with me sweetheart? Are you okay?" Circe asked worriedly, rubbing circles in her back as Miriya groaned slightly from the pain she felt. When she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was no longer laying on the floor where they had first entered the palace. Circe was still holding her tightly in his arms and looked extremely concerned. She frowned as she glanced around the room once more, noticing that they were no longer in the courtyard. Instead, they were sitting on the soft carpet of Miriya's bedroom, surrounded by various items that had belonged to her mother. "Do you remember what happened? Did you have any sort of flashback?" Circe questioned carefully.

"Uhm, I… I don't really know," Miriya replied nervously as she looked away. "It's just kind of hard to remember what happened after…after you got hit. I know my ring made us pass out for a minute, and I think you mentioned something about using my ring to get my memories back. Something about having to focus. Then…everything gets kind of fuzzy after that. I just know that you got hit by a beam and you passed out," She said sheepishly, trying to explain everything as best she could despite how confusing it was for her.

"Well, whatever happened must have done its job because when I woke up, we were inside the castle again." Circe replied, standing slowly and offering Miriya a hand to get up. When Miriya accepted his help, she pulled herself up off the ground, brushing off any dirt or dust that may have gotten caught between her toes. As Miriya moved to grab a nearby blanket from the chair, she spotted a folded piece of parchment sitting on top of the table next to it. Curious, she picked up the letter before turning to look at Circe who stood behind her, leaning against the door frame as he observed her silently. She turned the page over to reveal what appeared to be notes scribbled down in messy handwriting. Circe walked closer to read along with her.