chapter 9

Cirler Oakrun POV

"Where are they?" Cirler demanded, glaring angrily at his closest advisor.

"They're gone! They left the camp hours ago! We have no idea where they went!" The advisor cried back, trying desperately to maintain his composure. He wasn't sure if he succeeded.

"Damn it!" Cirler swore. "Do we have any idea where they went?"

"None whatsoever!" The advisor replied, shaking his head. "They left no trail for us to follow. We have no idea where they went."

Cirler Oakrun: Curse

someone knocks on the door, the council goes to the door and opens the door counselor: who are you counselor is stabbed in the gangata and falls to the ground dead

Cirler Oakrun look towards the door and see

Fíli: hello Cirler Oakrun remember me

Cirler Oakrun: yes I burned your girlfriend and your face

Fíli: she deserved it

Cirler Oakrun: well thank you

Fíli: I was wondering if we could talk

Cirler Oakrun: I'm busy now

Fíli: oh I understand

Cirler Oakrun: then

Fíli: I'm going to come over there and stab you in the throat while you sleep

Cirler Oakrun: oh no you are not

Cirler Oakrun: I will kill you and bury you in the cellar

Fíli: i guess that's something

Fíli: but my goal is to kill you you took the most important thing from me my girlfriend in the cruelest way possible burning alive

Cirler Oakrun: yeah but so did I

Fíli: that's not how it feels

Cirler Oakrun: because I loved her and she betrayed me

Fíli: because you murdered my friends

Cirler Oakrun: there's a difference

Fíli: no there's not

Cirler Oakrun: ok fine

Fíli: you're right you're better than me

Cirler Oakrun: ok

Fíli: let's make a deal

Cirler Oakrun: what kind of a deal

Fíli: who will end up in the cemetery first

Fíli goes for Cirler Oakrun with his sword but Cirler Oakrun narrowly dodges.

Cirler Oakrun turns his hand to fire and burns Fíli's chest.

Fíli falls to the ground screaming in pain.

Fíli: oh my god

Cirler Oakrun: I'll tell you what you want

Fíli: what

Cirler Oakrun: I'll let you have my daughter if you stop killing innocent people

Fíli: I can't believe this

Fíli grabs Cirler Oakrun by the neck and throws him against the wall and pulls out his blade and stabs him in the stomach

Fíli: wow this is really dramatic

Cirler Oakrun use his fire hand and punch Fíli in the face and throws him down the stairs and then runs out of the room.

Fíli: oh man

Fili retreat a little

Fili pick up his lightning sword of thunder

Cirler Oakrun stand up and create a ball of fire in his hands

Cirler Oakrun and Fili face each other for the last time.

Cirler Oakrun attacks Fili with his fireball.

and Fili goes after Cirler Oakrun with his thunder sword

The two collide and cause a huge explosion of power.