As I recline on the bed, my eyes wander upward to the pristine ceiling hovering above me, a stark contrast to the cozy night sky I had painted at home. The stars I had so carefully crafted were my personal haven, a source of comfort that never failed to soothe my troubled mind.

Just then, a gentle tap at the door interrupts my reverie, and I make my way over to answer it. Standing before me is a server, donning a simple yet elegant white uniform, bearing a warm glass in her hand. With a gentle smile, she offers me the drink, assuring me that it will help me sleep better.

Appreciative of her kindness, I take the glass, about to retreat back to my bed when she insists that I drink it in her presence, just to make sure that I am fully relaxed. Obliging her, I take a sip, immediately noticing the sweet warmth spreading through my body. Although the flavor is slightly peculiar, I am grateful for any measure of comfort in this sterile environment.

As the server departs, I return to my bed, only to be confronted with the stark, unadorned ceiling, devoid of the celestial beauty I had come to treasure. The emptiness that ensues is suffocating, my mind spiraling into a frenzy of despair and regret.

The overwhelming nausea that soon follows is as much a physical manifestation of my turmoil as it is a reaction to the warm liquid I had consumed earlier. My thoughts become a tumultuous maelstrom, the realization that I will never witness my siblings' graduations, my parents' aging, or experience the joys of marriage and parenthood dawning on me with a crushing weight.

We are taught to plan our lives and make the most of the time we have, but in this moment, I cannot help but feel that this "blessing" has turned into a curse. Despite my preparation, my letters to loved ones, and the completion of most of my life goals, I am now hit with the stark realization that there are still things left undone.

As I lay on the cool marble tiles of the bathroom, my body racked with the force of my anguish, I regret not accepting the anti-anxiety medication offered earlier by the nurse. My eyes fall shut, and I cannot help but wonder what the future would have held had I only been given more time. But such thoughts are futile now, for come nightfall, my time will have run out, and my life will come to a close.