New Estate

Lady Xia fixed her gaze on her daughter after Wang Jian had left and spoke with a tone of disdain, "This is the man whom you doubted. He is a generous benefactor who deserves our admiration, not suspicion."

Fen Shuying remained silent in response. She knew Wang Jian had left a favourable impression on her mother's mind, and there was no way to change that.

The funeral ceremony of Fen Gen followed the traditional customs of their clan, starting with the ritual of washing the body. This was done by family members and close friends of the deceased, who cleaned and dressed the body in the appropriate funeral attire. Naturally, all of them were male.

Next, a procession was formed with the family leading the way, followed by mourners and musicians playing sombre music on various instruments such as flutes, cymbals, and drums. The procession marched slowly towards the burial site, with the mourners wailing loudly and beating their chests as a sign of grief.