Thunderbolt Behemoth vs Wang Jian

Thunderbolt Behemoth is a massive beast that towers over most creatures with its massive, muscular frame. Its fur is a deep shade of midnight blue, and it crackles with sparks of electricity, highlighting the rippling muscles beneath. Its eyes, a fierce shade of yellow, seem to glow with an inner fire, and its razor-sharp claws and fangs glint in the light.

Thunderbolt Behemoth's body is built for strength and speed, with powerful legs that allow it to move with incredible agility. Its chest is broad and imposing, and its thick neck supports a massive head with a wide, powerful jaw. Its roar is like thunder, reverberating through the air and striking fear into the hearts of its enemies.

"…It's heading straight for us!" Fen Shuying exclaimed.

Wang Jian grunted in agreement as he heard her words. He was thinking how he should resolve this situation.