Chitchat between the women

Kang Huian pondered over the situation, realizing that resisting Wang Jian's authority would only lead to dire consequences. She concluded that it would be prudent to comply with his demands, as his malevolence knew no bounds.

As Kang Huian signed the contract, Wang Jian turned his head towards Elder Lianhua with an air of authority.

Elder Lianhua felt a sense of dread overcoming her as she looked towards Han Xifeng for guidance.

Han Xifeng's lips twisted into a pained expression as she struggled with the decision, but ultimately nodded in agreement.

The weight of the decision was not lost on her, as it meant that Elder Lianhua would have to sign the contract or risk unleashing chaos upon their tribe.

The atmosphere in the room grew thick with tension, as Wang Jian's piercing gaze bore down upon Elder Lianhua.

The elder hesitated for a moment, contemplating the potential consequences of her actions, before finally taking a deep breath and signing the contract.