Wang Jian's conditions for Hong Meilin

Wang Jian's faction swiftly sprang into action, with everyone, except for the Xie Family, charging at the demons with determined resolve.


The church followers, caught off guard by the sudden arrival of such a formidable human force, were momentarily startled. Yet, a glimmer of hope flickered in their eyes, their expressions transforming from despair to a cautious optimism.


"Look! Wang Jian's faction has joined the fray!" exclaimed one church member, astonishment coloring his voice.


"They're fighting against the demons! We might stand a chance now!" another church member cried out, a sense of relief and gratitude palpable in her tone.


The clash between the humans and demons intensified, and the tide of the battle began to shift. The overwhelming numbers and ferocity of the demons were being met with fierce resistance, their advantage gradually dwindling.