Tristan vs Wang Hao

Tristan found himself thrust into the unenviable crucible of enduring an unrelenting torrent, assailed from all sides by the ceaseless onslaught of Wang Hao's formidable punching technique and the relentless barrage of weapons, a veritable symphony of destruction, materialized through the fusion of his potent qi and ethereal spiritual power.


Yet, curiously, not a trace of agony marred Tristan's countenance. Instead, an unsettling ecstasy suffused his features, a disturbing delight in the face of overwhelming opposition.


"Hahahaha... So this is the true essence of power!" Tristan's laughter erupted, infused with a touch of madness, resonating through the chaos of battle.


His gaze fixated on Wang Hao, he taunted with an unhinged mirth, "Your feeble punches are but feathers, devoid of impact! They fail to elicit even a modicum of pain! Gwahahaha!"