Zyrithia vs Wang Jian

Three arduous hours had passed since Ye Chen absorbed the Storm Devil God's profound insights, elevating his own understanding of the laws of wind, lightning, and water to the coveted medium level.


Simultaneously, his cultivation soared to the exalted King Realm.


Such an extraordinary breakthrough filled him with an intoxicating sense of invincibility, prompting him to harbor audacious beliefs that he could vanquish any opponent within the King Realm.


As the storm subsided, a resplendent calm settled around the Ancestral Totem.


It was then that Zyrithia and her faction cautiously approached, their eyes widening in astonishment at the sight before them.


There stood Ye Chen, exuding an aura unmistakably devilish, a testament to his absorption of the ancestral devil blood contained within the totem.