Chaos in the Capital & Liberating Bai Liqin

Over the past two days, Stella had grown curious and a little concerned about Wang Jian's whereabouts. She couldn't seem to find him anywhere in the palace.


When she finally encountered Lady Xia, she couldn't contain her curiosity and asked about Wang Jian's absence.


With an air of calmness, Lady Xia reassured Stella, urging her to remain composed. She explained that Wang Jian's absence was for a significant reason, and he would return soon.


Accepting Lady Xia's explanation, Stella managed to regain her composure. She decided to make the most of the situation by engaging in deep meditation within the confines of her chambers.


While Wang Jian's faction stayed behind in the capital, all other factions were on their way to the battlefield where they planned to fight against those terrifying devils.