Wang Jian's team attacks the Barbarians

As with Charlotte, Wang Jian extended his skilled touch to Rebecca, tracing his fingers over her bare back with the combined allure of the Enchanting Pheromones technique and the Blissful Touch technique.


The subtle techniques worked their magic, invoking a symphony of pleasurable sensations that coursed through Rebecca's body. Almost immediately, her body responded to his touch, and the moist warmth between her thighs was a testament to her growing arousal.


Without delay, Wang Jian's intentions became clear as he thrust himself into Rebecca's wetness, causing her to gasp in a mix of shock and indignation.


Just as the waves of pleasure threatened to overwhelm her resistance, a familiar voice reached her ears—it was Charlotte's voice, urging her to embrace the intoxicating sensations and relinquish any lingering inhibitions.