Ilyndra's Declaration To Elves About Wang Jian

Wang Jian and Ilyndra woke up the next day, the events of the previous night still fresh in their minds. As they lay there, Wang Jian turned to Ilyndra with a sly grin on his face.

"I must say, my dear," he began, his voice oozing with satisfaction, "I had an amazing time with you last night."

Ilyndra, her expression a mix of anger and frustration, glared at him. "You despicable human," she hissed. "How could you defile me in such a way?"

Wang Jian chuckled darkly. "Get used to it, my dear. You belong to me now, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Ilyndra's fury burned within her, but then she noticed something peculiar. She felt a newfound surge of energy coursing through her, and her body felt revitalized. The vitality she had lost due to the Verdant Resurgence Ritual had been miraculously restored after her intimate night with Wang Jian.

She was shocked by the unexpected benefit of her encounter with him.