Wang Jian's Children Step Up

With the dawn came the end of a night filled with love and laughter, marking the beginning of a new era under Wang Jian's rule. His empire, vast and diverse, was a melting pot of races and cultures, each contributing to the grand tapestry of his reign.

In the Northern States, the heartland of his empire, Wang Jian established a harmonious coexistence between the humans of Verzen Empire, the majestic Beast Race, the ethereal Elven Race, and the divine Angel Race. This region, brimming with a mix of architectural marvels and natural wonders, became a beacon of multicultural unity and strength.

The Eastern Seas, with their endless horizons and deep mysteries, were now home to the Sea Monsters and the industrious Dwarven Race. The dwarves, with their unparalleled skills in smithing and engineering, built grand underwater cities and fortresses, which the Sea Monsters guarded fiercely, creating an unbreakable alliance of steel and scale.