Gathering information about Lin Family

As Wang Jian and Yu Qing soared through the cosmic expanse, their destination became the Crimson Star Settlement. Their plan was to utilize the Teleportation Portal there, a gateway to other cities, and ultimately reach the star belonging to the Lin Family. After a ten-day journey, they finally set foot on the star controlled by the Lin Family.


This particular star wasn't directly governed by the Lin Family's main branch but was instead under the influence of one of its powerful branch families. The Lin Family had extended its reach to encompass not just individual stars but entire star systems, ruling over vast territories.


As Wang Jian and Yu Qing explored this star, they decided to gather information about the Lin Family's intricate web of power. With each step they took, they engaged in conversations with the locals, delving into the history, policies, and the lives of the Lin Family members.