Awakening Of Lin Family's Ancestors

The news rippled through the Starry Expanse like a shockwave, sending tremors of disbelief and unease cascading through the Lin Family's territory. The sudden deaths of Lin Hong and Lin Xia, once-promising heirs of the direct branch, had sent shockwaves reverberating through the Lin Family's ranks, leaving the elders and patriarch grappling with the implications of these tragic events.


In the hallowed halls of the Lin Family's ancestral estate, the elders convened to discuss the unsettling developments. Their brows furrowed with concern as they mulled over the implications of the deaths of two such prominent figures within their ranks.


"The security surrounding the direct heirs was formidable," remarked Elder Zheng, his voice laden with consternation. "To think that they could be struck down so swiftly, without even a chance to ask for aid... it defies belief."