Meeting In Teahouse

Wang Jian moved through the bustling streets of the Nangong Family's estate with practiced ease, his steps light and purposeful. His destination: the teahouse where Shui Xueying and her guards were enjoying their afternoon respite.


As he navigated the labyrinthine pathways of the inner settlement, Wang Jian couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast between his surroundings and those of the opulent residences where the elite families resided. The air here seemed charged with anticipation, the buzz of excitement palpable even amidst the tranquil beauty of the surroundings.


'Quite the lavish accommodations they have,' Wang Jian thought wryly, his gaze sweeping over the elegant architecture and meticulously manicured gardens that adorned the inner enclave. 'But luxury alone won't secure victory in the tournament.'