Wang Jian's Talent

Chu Yang turned his gaze towards Zhi Xi, his eyes burning with accusation. "Zhi Xi, why have you brought this man here?" he demanded, his voice tinged with frustration. "You know it goes against the core rules of our sect."


Zhi Xi rolled her eyes at Chu Yang's question, a hint of exasperation creeping into her tone. "Oh, Chu Yang, always so quick to jump to conclusions," she chided, her voice laced with sarcasm. "I'm taking Wang Jian to meet with Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan. It's as simple as that."


Chu Yang's brow furrowed in disbelief as he processed Zhi Xi's words. "But why does he need to meet with the Pavilion Mistress?" he pressed, his tone skeptical.


Zhi Xi's gaze softened as she met Chu Yang's eyes, her expression earnest. "Because Wang Jian possesses unique talents that I believe will impress Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan," she explained patiently. "I want her to see his potential and offer him support through our sect's resources."