Wang Jian Snatches Beauties Under Lin Fei's Nose

A cold sweat prickled Zardon's skin as he dismissed the King and Queen. The Blue Moon Eclipse Devils' presence hung heavy in the air, an unwelcome shadow over X-34 Star. He knew he had to act fast.


"Mobilize the entire tribe!" he barked, his voice echoing through the chamber. "Every devil, every tracker. We need to find this human fugitive…and fast."


The Shadowspawn, known for their meticulousness, sprang into action. Squads of devils fanned out across the planet, each equipped with an arsenal of tracking artifacts - Human Aura Detectors, Spectral Scanners, the lot. They scoured every nook and cranny, the frustration mounting with each passing hour. The missing human was a phantom, leaving no trace of his presence.


Meanwhile, on the far side of the planet, a storm of rebellion was brewing, and Lin Fei was putting his meticulously planned coup into action.