Choosing The Third Target - Feng Xiaoyu

Sensing their bewilderment, Wang Jian decided to provide a rather brutal demonstration. With a predatory grace, he stalked towards Dong Aigou.


His face hardened, a scowl replacing the earlier amusement. Inwardly, he focused his will, conjuring a torrent of raw killing intent. It was a silent scream of pure destruction, aimed solely at Dong Aigou.


The earth itself seemed to tremble under the sheer intensity of his murderous intent. The Devil Beast tribes whimpered, instinctively sensing the deadly aura radiating from Wang Jian.


A moment of tense silence followed, and then... a deafening roar erupted from the depths of the earth. The ground shuddered violently, sending tremors through the cavern. Cracks snaked across the walls, dust rained down from the ceiling.