Feng Xiaoyu And Dong Aigou's Plan A Trap

Feng Xiaoyu tapped a perfectly manicured nail against the thick contract parchment, a frown creasing her brow. The fluorescent lights of the Trade Association headquarters glared down on her, illuminating the stacks of documents before her. Negotiations for acquiring the "Fragrant Lotus Trading Company" were dragging on far longer than she anticipated.


This wouldn't do. The fragrant lotus flower was not only a coveted beauty product, but also possessed mild healing properties. Acquiring their company would grant her Association a lucrative monopoly on the flower within the settlement. Patience, however, had never been her strong suit.


"Mr. Liu," Feng Xiaoyu began, her voice a smooth silk laced with a hint of steel, "we've been over this clause several times. Your proposed profit margin is simply unreasonable. We wouldn't be making a profit, we'd be hemorrhaging resources."