Royal Settlement Of The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe

A few days had passed since the night that forever altered the dynamic between Wang Jian and the three women. The memory of Feng Xiaoyu's initial defiance melting into desperate pleasure still lingered in the air, a constant reminder of his dominance. But for Wang Jian, it was time to move on, to utilize the spoils of his victory.


He had stolen Destiny Essence – an elusive, potent energy that embodied the very essence of one's cultivation destiny – from each woman, their resistance as futile as dust motes in a whirlwind. Now, brimming with this stolen power, he was ready to take the next step.


Beneath the vast expanse of the night sky, a tapestry of twinkling stars, Wang Jian settled into a meditative pose. He focused his will, drawing upon the stolen Destiny Essence nestled within his core. It felt like a writhing serpent of raw power, waiting to be unleashed.