Heavenly Jade Pavilion's Great Expansion

"The humans are weak now," she declared, her voice echoing with a cruel amusement. "Their forces are scattered, their morale shattered. We will crush them, one by one!"


The assembled devil lords roared their agreement, their voices a chorus of dark anticipation. Strategies were debated, loot was divided, and a thirst for bloodshed filled the air. The meeting concluded with a renewed sense of purpose, and the devils, now a united front, prepared to unleash their wrath upon the cosmos.


Meanwhile, within the idyllic confines of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion's Central Star, Wang Jian reclined luxuriously on a silken chaise longue. His head rested on the inviting lap of Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, his face lit with a depraved grin.


"My plan is working flawlessly, Cui Lan, my love," he purred, his voice dripping with a dark satisfaction. "The devils are doing our dirty work, weakening the human sects before we even have to lift a finger."