Ba Rong'er Manipulating Lin Fei and Chu Yang

Lin Fei skulked in his room, the weight of his hangover pressing down on him like a demonic beast. Fragments of blurry memories flickered at the edges of his mind – laughter, flushed faces, and a general sense of debauchery. A wave of nausea washed over him, and he scrambled for the nearest wastebasket.


As reality crashed down, a cold dread filled him. He had a vague recollection of Elder Xuan pouring him endless cups of wine, then a hazy image of himself talking loudly, maybe even… touching someone inappropriately? Shame burned a fiery hole in his gut. How low had he sunk?


Fear gnawed at him. What if he'd offended Sect Leader Ba? What about Ba Rong'er? Had he ruined any chance he had with her? He didn't dare face either of them, not until he understood the wreckage of his actions.