Devil Tribe's Alliance With Northern Cosmos Devil Race

Matriarch Xifeng clenched her fists, a battle raging within. The promise of unimaginable power for her tribe was intoxicating, but the prospect of submitting to a human, especially one so young, filled her with a primal rage. Yet, logic prevailed. Betrayal was now a luxury she couldn't afford.


With a resigned sigh, she followed him, her steps heavy with apprehension. The journey to his chamber was a blur, filled with a tense silence that spoke volumes. Finally, they arrived at a room that reeked of opulence and power.


The following hours were a whirlwind of passion and domination. Wang Jian, fueled by his ambition and the potent devilish aura that now surrounded him, systematically dismantled Matriarch Xifeng's defenses. Her initial resistance melted away in the face of his relentless pursuit, replaced by a primal ecstasy she had never known.