Breaking Through Celestial Barrier Galaxy

At the forefront of the Celestial Barrier Galaxy:


Yun Tian stood with a determined expression, his eyes fixed on the shimmering galaxy before him. "We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip away. The Heaven's Root Orchid must be ours," he declared to his gathered forces.


The Dragon Emperor Star God, his dragon aura radiating power, nodded. "This galaxy's formation is complex, but it is not unbreakable. We must coordinate our attacks."


The Tyrannical Emperor Star God, always a force of brute strength, grinned. "Then let's not waste any time. I'll lead the first assault."


As the leaders of the Western Cosmos prepared their strategies, the Nature Clan's leader from the Southern Cosmos, a serene figure with a deep connection to nature, analyzed the formation. "This array is attuned to the natural laws of the cosmos. We must approach it with respect and precision."