Wang Jian's Past As A Gangster

Wang Jian and Bella arrived at the college the next day, a quiet but palpable tension lingering between them. After their days spent in each other's arms, indulging in each other's desires, returning to their roles of student and professor felt surreal. Bella's auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders, her purple eyes glancing at Wang Jian with a mix of apprehension and longing as they approached the main building.


"Are you sure this is okay?" Bella asked softly, her voice low, betraying her nerves. "After all the time we've taken off, people might start talking."


Wang Jian smirked, placing his hand reassuringly on the small of her back. "Relax, Bella. No one's going to suspect anything. You said you were sick, remember? And as for me, I'm just a student taking a few days off—nothing unusual."


Bella bit her lip, clearly unconvinced, but she nodded. "I just don't want anyone to find out about us. It could ruin everything..."