Fucking Sofia

Emma, sitting at the edge of the bed, was the first to speak, her voice soft yet concerned. "Are you okay? You were gone for quite some time."


Jessica, who had been lounging by the window, crossed her arms, her brow furrowed in concern. "Yeah, we were worried about you."


Wang Jian's expression remained calm, a sly smile playing at his lips as he approached them. He didn't reveal the details of his intricate plan or his time spent seducing Lucía Espina. That was a part of his mission he would keep close to the chest, at least for now. Instead, he glanced at them with a reassuring look, masking the depravity that swirled in his mind.


"I'm fine," he said, his tone smooth and confident. "In fact, I've come up with a good way to get into Rafael's safehouse. But it will require some careful planning, and I need you both to stay here for a little longer, remain in hiding."