Absorbing Langston Industries And First Attack Of Leon

The following morning, Wang Jian wasted no time in setting his plans in motion. The deaths of David, Richard, and Harold Langston had left a power vacuum at the head of Langston Industries, and Wang Jian was more than prepared to capitalize on it. His objective was simple: absorb everything the Langstons owned into the ever-expanding empires of Charlotte and Sarah's companies.


He started by sending out his team of lawyers and financial experts to Langston Industries' headquarters. The absence of the family's leadership had created panic within the company's board, and it wasn't long before the top executives, uncertain of their future, began seeking ways to protect their assets. It was an opportune moment for Wang Jian.


"Alright," Wang Jian said calmly to Charlotte over breakfast, "it's time to move. We've got the momentum now, and the Langston assets are ripe for the taking."