cursed Timothy meets his teacher

'my name Timothy Grayson I'm 10 years old and I'm about to begin my trial of rebirth so I can become a adult man'

'but I don't think I will pass it because to pass the trial of rebirth I have to go into the forest of Valddrom and come back alive a month later'

'the resin why I believe I'm not going to pass it is simple I'm weak my hull life I had to deal with starvation so my body hasn't fully developed'

'you ask why I had to starve well it's because I was born cursed by the people of the village i live in'

'my skin is as pale as snow and so is my hair my eyes are blood red so I was deemed to have a curse on my body'

'so my hull life had people mistreating and abusing me an I'm family was no different they barely fed me and even sometimes didn't fed me at all'

many of the villagers were happy to see me leave as everybody knew that I was going to die during this trial even I knew this as a fact that I will die

walking deeper into the forest I found myself a stick that with the help of a sharp rock I was able to make a wooden spear to help me hunt

but after the sky started to darken heard the sounds howls as the beasts of the night began their own hunts

then I heard the bushes near me rustle and then a grawl came from it so I stumbled to my feet as began to run for my life

'I don't want to die! I don't want to die!'

as I keep running I could hear the wolfs catching up to as they seemed to be faster than me

'please I just want to live please'

as I heard them get close enough to bite me I tripped into a opening and my mind got ready to feel the wolfs teeth tear my skin

but it never came so I opened my eyes to look back at the wolfs and I saw them whimpering as they turned around and wandered back into the forest

then I heard footsteps from behind me a someone walked up to me then I heard a voice come from everywhere

"little one what brings you this deep into these woods at this hour" said a soothing yet emotionless voice


construct's Pov

in front of me was small child that had fallen onto the ground as it was chased by a local pack of wolf's

"little one what brings you this deep into these woods at this hour" to understand why this child was here I asked it

"w-well I have to be here as my trial of rebirth started so I was sent into these woods to survive for a month but I was chased by those wolfs" said the child

"why didn't you defend yourself from those wolfs most humans your age can defeat a wolf"

"I'm t-to weak to fight them my body is underdeveloped as I was barely ever given food" it seems that what I said saddened the child

I could feel a feeling bubble up from my core as I looked at this small child this feeling seemed to wanted to help this child

'this isn't my purpose I could feel it it isn't strong enough to be it so it must be from the will of the yakshi as she always helped those in need'

"little one what is your name" I wanted to know the child's name first before helping it

"my names Timothy, Timothy Grayson what's your name mister"

"I don't have a name but that doesn't matter so Timothy do you want to become stronger"

"yes please I will do anything to become stronger please mister if you can make me powerful I will do anything for it"

"well little Timothy the first thing you need to do is grab my hand and repeat what I say if you want to get stronger" the young Timothy quickly got up and held my hand

"I'm ready for anything mister"

"good now repeat what my words AYEG FO GNOS EHT SGNIS LUOS YM"

"ayeg fo gnos eht sgnis luos ym"


"ecnadiug luos ym sevig ayeg"


name: Timothy Grayson

soul year: 10

race: human

bloodline: forest human


magnus roots: infernal/ice

magnus stage: 5th rank mortal

sage roots: blacked tundra

sage stage: 5th rank mind awakening

cultivation roots: blazing frost

cultivation stage: 1st stage: bone reinforcement


strength:G- fortitude:G-

agility:G- endurance:F-

vitality:G- dexterity:G-

wisdom:F- charisma:G-


"wow is this what I think it is does that mean mister has a elemental core on him are you a seeker of knowledge" it seems that this excited the young boy

"yes I am a seeker of knowledge but young Timothy the real question is what path do you want to take" this made the young Timothy quiet as he started to think about it deeply

"their are the three paths of knowledge you can go down or you can go down the same path I have taken" what I said seemed to peak his interest

"mister what path have you chosen?"

"I have chosen to go down all three paths of knowledge"

"what you can do that!?"

"yes if you balance the power of each path and even handle the pain that comes with it you can do all three"

"th-then can you teach how to do that I want to be as powerful as I can so no one can call me cursed anymore so please teach me your ways"

"very well then I will teach you how to go down a path many have failed to succeed I am now you teacher"

"I will follow all of your lessons teacher" what I saw in the eyes of Timothy was a determination that could even be as strong as my want for a purpose

"good to begin start with cultivation as of the two you can do it will be more painful and it will test how much you truly want to get stronger"

"why will it be painful teacher?"

"that is because your bodies cultivation technique will have you freezing ice onto your body then burning the ice off and to even just to reinforce your bones you will have to do it multiple times"

"Luckily such a extreme cultivation technique gives a lot of the energy you need so two or three times of the technique will give you enough energy for the first stage"

"but for now you must rest so come here" opening my arms I asked for the young Timothy to come closer to me

"yes teacher?" once Timothy got close enough I grabbed him with my arms and hugged him and began to produce a calming smell and used a cantrip to put him to sleep

'even though I could be cultivating right now but now that I taken in Timothy as my student his health matters most and now I can allow me body to turn off'



name: none

soul year: 0

race: spiritual manifestation/elemental construct

bloodline: yakshi gnome beast


magnus roots: earth/nature

magnus stage: 4th rank mortal

sage roots: deep spiritual forest

sage stage: 4th rank mind awakening

cultivation roots: gnome yakshi hybrid technique

cultivation stage: 2st stage: muscles condensing


strength:G- fortitude:E-

agility:G- endurance:G-

vitality:E- dexterity:F-

wisdom:E- charisma:G-
