Tsuki heading towards the devastated planet of Towandur was raised by one of the allied masters of the chaos arcana Galactic sector of the dimensional station of Serethenuys Melathlar at -354 DR to protect Illusk from the attacks of the phaerimm, an effort that cost Melathlar his life, in that twenty years later, at -335 DR, another one of the chaos arcana's master allies named Maerin discovered the fiery primordial Maegera beneath Mount Hotenow.
He commissioned the dwarves of Noxoderus to build the planet of Jymthsgrysm in the mineral-rich caves above the divine being, and he created a magical siphon system that took seawater from the planet of Sea of Swords and transported it through its roots. cultivated' from the empire of Toshandur Tower to Jymthsgrysm to keep the power of the primordial in check. This process was completed in -321 DR.