So they went to Congo, they had contracted objectives to rescue four Jewish businessmen and do business with Americans and Rosorusanss ...

About this.

In those bohemian streets, there were several pubs, taverns and clubs, some restaurants, in what was at first an upper-class neighborhood, where the rich and high society frequented, and before the decadence that came after the death of Delphos Kamisama , being what it was no different these days, and money was welcome, that's what made the two agents Bortnik and Holman betray their respective countries.

In which they were Antônio himself, when Arieh Luna, Lugo Madinagoitia , Leyva Montalbert and Klein Laprada these were the Jewish businessmen who acted in collusion with Arieh, in which this was one of the consequences of what a death could cause, so they had to head to Congo.

The one where Antony would be, in which he held Jews captive, was helping an armed group calling for an end to the siege of Palestine...