Crying zombie with a brain screaming for help.

- That's how you are, are you going to give up and eat this innocent brain? – Tsuki questioned him.

- Don't give up now, you did well in rehab, no relapse in the last two months. – Tsuki said. "This is all your father's fault for killing him, put the blame on him, not his brain. – Tsuki said.

- It's true, sorry. – He started to cry. - I hate him so much. - He said.

- That, even so, give me that brain. - He said.

Slowly, with his hands and arms outstretched towards him, he handed over the brains, not before being knocked to the ground by a shot from one of the Snipers who thought he wanted to attack him.

- Wait, wait, he's fine, he's going out with me. – Tsuki said.

Hanging out with him, he had a zombie crying on his shoulders, they took him in an ambulance to another rehab section.

- Well, at least something well done, Mr Tsuki Delphos. – Now, we learned our lesson, which is to pay attention in the meeting. - He said.