Because of this, amidst Tsuki's 10th birthday, Mikie Darkness, they decided to complicate the lives of some criminals who thought that using disinformation would be beneficial to distract from fraudulent business.

Anyway, there was what Tsuki discovered to be a drug and weapons trafficking scheme of a mafia group that Tsuki wanted to dismantle, he was right in the middle of the party where there were numerous festivities.

Tsuki was invited alongside Veronika and accompanied by Darkness who watched the numerous bids, as well as a man who was introduced to him.

He was again at a party, a few auctions and meetings, in the midst of huge parties and countless other multi-million dimensional endeavors.

Wearing a light blue frilly suit, shiny shoes with an overcoat and some ribbons and embellishments on his suit, Tsuki was wearing a bow in her long white hair, tied back.