CH 4: Nuoding City

But the Majestic Tyrant Axe wasn't the only one that had an Innate Ability, Omnitrix was the same. In fact, the Omnitrix had two of them! Storage and Library, those were what Ali called them.

Omnitrix could act just like a storage tool and store anything that wasn't alive inside of it, even corpses. And no matter how many things Ali put inside of, the space inside would never get filled! So Ali came to a conclusion that the space is just REALLY big, or it's outright limitless.

But either way, it was extremely handy. And the second ability, Library, was just too much... This ability would let Omnitrix scan a book or a paper that had something in it without anybody noticing and then store it for Ali to look at a holographic copy of it. Nobody else could see it if Ali didn't want them as well.

However, this wasn't why it was too much. Omnitrix could actually scan the techniques and knowledge that people had in their brain and also show it to Ali as a holographic book, picture or even videos...

How did Ali find out about this ability? When he was just messing around with the Omnitrix and looking at it while Tang San was with him when the Omnitrix suddenly scanned Tang San out of nowhere when Ali poured some of his soul power into it.

And after that, he found out that Tang San's knowledge and method of practice about his techniques from his old life were in the Library of the Omnitrix! Each and every single one of them at that!

His techniques, the Mysterious Heaven Skill, Mysterious Heaven Strike, Purple Demon Eye, Mysterious Jade Hand, Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer, and even his knowledge like the Hidden Weapons and Hidden Weapon Techniques, Poisons, Herbs, Medicines, Medical knowledge and techniques, and even his Blacksmithing knowledge was inside of Omnitrix's Library!

This was seriously too overpowered. Basically copying the method and knowledge of any techniques, knowledge and ability in a matter of seconds. When Ali found out about this, he didn't hesitate to go with Tang San to their house so that he could scan Tang Hao as well.

He was a little nervous, since he didn't know if a super titled douluo like Tang Hao would be able to sense the Omnitrix's action or not, but he still had to try it. The combination of the Tang clan's complete Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer and other techniques with his Majestic Tyrant Axe which could change its own weight would make a nightmarish combo.

And even if Tang Hao noticed it, he could just say that he's still getting to find out about his martial soul and it acts out sometimes. And the results made him swoon. He was actually able to copy Tang Hao's techniques!

Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer, Clear Sky Absolutes, and Great Sumer Hammer (Exploding Ring) were inside the Omnitrix's Library! However, there was only one downside to this ability, Ali had to train these techniques himself.

They wouldn't just go into his brain and let him master them instantly. However, Ali wasn't complaining. Just the fact that he had all of these techniques inside of his martial soul was too much! And so, he would not only train his martial arts when training, but he would also train with these techniques. However, he wouldn't train all of them.

Some techniques, like Purple Demon Eye and Controlling Crane Catching Dragon were useless to him. Purple Demon Eye could improve eyesight and don't let him fall into illusions, pretty useless, while Controlling Crane Catching Dragon would let him grab things easier, useless.

He didn't need those. But he did cultivate using the Mysterious Heaven Skill and Mysterious Heaven Strike, and also trained in Jade Hand and Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track. Jade Hand would make his hands extremely tougher, useful since he needed his hands to be tough when using his Majestic Tyrant Axe, and trained in using the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track the orthodox way.

But he couldn't train in some of the techniques just yet, like the Hidden Weapons and Tang clan's techniques since he didn't have the equipment for them. He didn't train in the techniques of the Hidden Weapons using rocks and such, but that didn't have the maximum effect.

And at the moment, old Jack, Tang San and Ali had long left the village and we're already in Nuoding City. As they walked while the two children looked around, old Jack spoke up :"Xiao San, Ali, I will leave after sending you two to school. Both of you must listen to the teachers, don't leave the school without permission. When the term ends, I'll come and fetch you both."

Tang San :"You're leaving so soon, grandpa Jack?"

Old Jack :"Haha, we can't afford a hotel here. You must put effort into it. When I meet you next time, I hope both of you are already soul masters. The whole Spirit Saint Village will be so proud of you two."

Tang San :"I will, grandpa Jack!"

Old Jack :"Good boy. You two, Ali! Don't just laze around when you're in school, okay? You're going there to study, so be sure to study hard and become a soul master as soon as possible!"

Ali rolled his eyes as he waved him off while continuing to walk :"Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I don't need others to tell me to become a soul master. Let's go to school already. I think it's that big building with that huge gate in front of it."

As they continued on the same path and reached the gate, a teenager was about to close the gate as he snorted with a mocking smirk :"What are you doing? Are villagers even allowed to be here?"

Just as he finished talking, two boys older than Ali and Tang San rushed inside after the teenager let them off. The boy walked out as he closed the gate behind him while old Jack smiled at him :"Little brother, he came from Spirit Saint Village. These two are the apprentices from our village this year. Are there any procedures to follow?"

The teenager was a little taken aback as he looked at the young, but definitely adorable Ali before he mocked again :"Someone is trying to aim at the moon here. Even villagers can have soul power? It's been years since we had an apprentice. You're not fakers, are you?"

Ali, who had enough of his bullshit, snorted nonchalantly as he tilted his head and looked at him as if looking at a roach :"What, is there some kind of a rule villagers can't have soul power nowadays? What are you, some kind of a retard? And you said that villagers can't be here, right? Why not, when bitches like you are allowed?"

A raged expression immediately took over the teenager's face as he pointed at Ali while old Jack and Tang San had helpless faces. Ali may be young, but his sharp tongue is rather famous in Spirit Saint Village. Almost everybody in the village knew that Ali wasn't afraid to start cursing not just the person who pissed him off, but also his siblings, parents, in-laws and even ancestors.

Quite a few people had obviously gotten mad and tried to teach him a lesson, but that's where the second reason why Ali was famous showed off. Not only was Ali a genius martial artist, he wasn't afraid of fighting dirty at all. Who knew how many people couldn't walk right for a few days because of Ali going after their balls...

The bastard was famous for targeting the crotch when someone pissed him off. And it didn't change if the person who annoyed him was a woman... He would kick them in the crotch without any hesitation or shame...

"You-!" The teenager pointed at Ali with an angry face, but Ali snorted and interrupted him :"Grandpa, show this bastard the letter of recommendation from the officer of Martial Soul Hall, Su Yuntao."

When he heard how Ali intentionally phrased the "Martial Soul Hall", the teenager calmed down slightly as he grabbed the letter from old Jack's hand with a hint of politeness :"Heh, Blue Silver Grass and a useless bracelet?

Both of them have full soul power at that? Hahahaha, Funny, that's hilarious! I've been working here in the school for four years, and I've never heard of a student born with full soul power before. And yet you say that both of these two children with trash martial souls are born with full soul power? Let me guess, you've faked this letter."

The disdain in Ali's eyes became clearer as he snorted with a mocking smirk :"And you're supposed to be a god? All-knowing? Or do you think that the world is only just Nuoding City? Hahahaha, you're seriously retarded, aren't you? Also, faking this letter?

Don't you see that this letter is signed and marked by the Martial Soul Hall? Or are you trying to provoke the Martial Soul Hall by saying that they take bribery? I wonder what they would do if they knew what you said..."

The moment he heard Ali's words, he was no longer angry, but fearful. Martial Soul Hall paid great attention to its reputation, if the people of Martial Soul Hall got a word of someone provoking them, even if it was just a watchdog of a small school, they would definitely go after him.

If a person from an advanced civilization heard Ali's words, he would know that it was just a bluff to scare someone. However, this was a world in the ancient times, and this bastard was just of the countryside. He wouldn't know in a million years that Ali was just scaring him. The teenager immediately began to wave his hands in front of him with a fearful and apologetic smile :"N-no no! T-that isn't what I meant! Please calm down, y-young master!"

When they saw how the arrogant jerk's attitude changed so suddenly from just a few sentences, old Jack, Tang San, and the person walking towards them were all surprised. This was a world where fists and muscles did the talking, so when they saw this asshole get so obedient in front of a child, they were all surprised.

The more surprising thing was that it was a child who made him act like that! Ali's mocking smirk didn't disappear as he hummed :"I don't know~. What should I do~? After all, you were hellbent on getting in our way..."

The doorman became even more fearful as he immediately opened the door :"N-no, sir! I-I was just playing a prank, that's all! I didn't have any bad intentions!" Just as Ali was about to say something again, someone interrupted him :"Excuse me."

A hopeful and happy expression appeared on the teenager's face as he smiled at the man wearing a black robe :"You're back, master?" The man walked in front of the three before stopping and turning to face them.

The man had an average, somewhat thin figure with a somewhat lazy feeling to him, looking about 40 or so. He wore black robes that reached his knees. His black hair was nearly completely shaved, with a full, but not long beard. From his lazy but somewhat aura and the name that the doorman called him, Ali figured that this person must be Yu Xiaogang AKA Master.

Yu Xiaogang gave a quick glare at the doorman before extending his hand towards old Jack who was holding the letter that the doorman had thrown on the ground :"Mister, can you show me the letter from Martial Soul Hall?"

Old Jack didn't say anything as he handed the letter to Yu Xiaogang who opened it and read it before looking at Ali and Tang San :"It's genuine. Mister, I apologize on behalf of the school on what happened just now. Hand these kids to me."

Old Jack waved his hand with a smile :"Hahaha, no need to say sorry. We're at fault too. I'll leave these kids to you then. Xiao San, Ali, follow this master. I'll fetch you both once the term is over."