
Jack heard the rumbling from his brother's stomach and sighed. It had been days since they had a proper meal. Running away from the terrible orphanage was not an easy decision. And having an 8-year-old doesn't make things easier.

'But I can't just leave him there.' He reminded himself.

But he should have planned his escape a little better. Now they are out open with nothing but a woolen jacket to protect them the December wind. And how many places will you find where

people will pity you enough for a meal. Jack often finds himself blaming his parents for leaving the two of them behind while they went for a movie. Had they taken him he would never have to suffer the life of an orphan.

Alex sneezed. Jack picks him up quietly and held him. He knew Alex was crying, "I want to go home." Alex said while sobbing.

'Me too brother, me too.' Jack replied joining him. How much can a 17-year-old stand before a meltdown?

But unknown to the duo in the mountains of California, the world has changed. And in contrast to how it began, civilization ends rather quickly.

Jack let go his brother after a few minutes, quickly drying his tears, hoping that his brother wouldn't see. They had reached a small town where they saw the Christmas decorations on the houses around. The Christmas trees with their yellow tinted lights which go round and round all the way to the star at the top, the beautiful wreaths of varied sizes that hung from door-to-door, and most of all, the snow decorated the surrounding in its own way. But it was more of a curse to them. How Jack loved the warmth of his blanket.

It was evening and the moon had just risen ahead of them when he heard his own tummy rumbling. The last of the food got emptied for their breakfast. Alex mumbled something

before throwing the water bottle down. A crack was heard as the water had frozen in the plastic bottle, leaving them thirsty.

'Why are we always so unlucky, Jackie?' Alex asked.

'We are lucky, Alex. And water will unfreeze the next morning, so don't throw that away.' Jack replied.

Alex sneezed. Jack had realized Alex had caught flu from the symptoms he is suffering. They need medicine and need it fast.

But it is not that easy to get one and even more, to find someone to treat him. "It's freezing out here." Jack said as he removed his jacket, "Here wear this" Jack said, giving him his jacket. He smiled when he saw that his brother looks just like a snowman with more than just one jacket. They had reached a comfortable looking house which stood alone and separated from the rest of the town. It had fluorescent lights all around the house and a large Christmas tree stood fully decorated.

"We can ask for some water from here brother, and a map." Jack said. He was starting to feel dizzy and was sure he had a fever. Looking over to Alex, he found him looking pale and weak. Jack walked over to the house and started searching for the doorbell.

"It's here." Alex pressed the switch. It was right in front of him the whole time and even though he still cannot see it, he knew they rang the doorbell when a loud ringing sound made by an electric bell that reached his ears. Jack's vision had started to blur by the time the door opened, and he could make out an old couple just before he blacked out.

When he woke up, he found himself sleeping on the couch near the fireplace and in front of him was an old man sitting on a rocking chair, reading the daily. His vision had started to clear, and he could make out the front headlines, 'Black Out in Major Cities'.

"Good morning, Jack." an old raspy voice came from behind the daily. As it gets folded, he could see an old man in his mid-sixties, fat and healthy as an old man can be. "You slept the the entire day, I believe. My wife has made some sort of tea for your fever and your brother is out in the yard playing with my grandson." He said and went back to his news. Jack looked around and saw that it was once again late evening and there was a slight cold breeze coming in from an open window.

He washed his face and was staring at the mirror when he saw an old woman, approaching, she looks like she is in her late fifties.

"I bet Albert hadn't introduced himself." She spoke in heavy

polish accent.

"No mam." Replied Jack.

"Madison Blanc." She said, giving Jack a towel. "And my husband sitting there is Albert Blanc. The door behind him leads straight to the bathroom. Go clean yourself and come to the dining table. Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes."

Jack nodded.

He found a set of clothes that was laid neatly on the bed by the time he was out. 'It fits me perfectly.' Jack wondered if any of the family members were there who weren't introduced still, other than the grandson out in the yard. Jack saw the others were waiting for him. Alex was playing with his new friend and Mr. and Mrs. Blancs sat opposite to each other on a long table with six chairs but can comfortably accommodate six more. A rugged tablecloth covered the whole of the table.

The fluorescent lights flickered a little. The couple looked at the lights, then at each other. Alex saw Jack and ran to him. They hugged each other and Alex brought Jack to the table.

"Jack, this is our grandson, Tommy. Tommy, greet Jack."

"Hello! Nice to meet you." Tommy's greeting words were combined with a smile. He was only four after all.

Jack sat at the table. "The government now has done something that is a foolish and brilliant idea in its own way..."

Started Albert.

Jack was not interested in the politics around him. He have many things are going around his head now. Jack looked at Alex. He looks pale but otherwise okay.

They started eating, Alex and Tommy chatted about the games they like, the Blancs about how they knew something was off about the "no bomb era" that started early October and large changes were made in the name of world peace. Jack found it weird that the US government joined hands with private companies, many are pharmaceutical companies.

Suddenly he felt like vomiting. He ran to the bathroom covering his mouth with one hand on the way. Mrs. Blanc came after him. Even Alex was going to follow him but Mr. Blanc stopped

him. Jack was having difficulty breathing and trouble keeping his eyes open, and before he could reach the bathroom, he vomited. His eyes widened as he saw that his hand was

covered in blood.


"Damn, his vitals are declining, take him to the Operation theatre." the doctor ordered.

The nurse pushes the stretcher on top of which lies a 17 year old boy who had been brutally stabbed in the abdomen region and bleeding heavily, dripping on the white tiles of an apparently large hospital's floor.

The "City of Angels" is well known for the crime rate it has. But this week has been troublesome, even more for the doctors. Homicides increased significantly and how much police can the Los Angeles Police Department offer for law enforcing.

While this kept the police busy, it was easy for 12 cargo trucks to unload something deadly amongst some lab equipment for the well-known pharmaceutical company. And the other 11 continued their journey westwards.

A tall and muscular man with bald head and a black sunglasses were standing there, watching the things get unloaded. He has a scar on his left eyebrow. With the jawline he has, his skinny face sheds sheer terror on anyone who dares to look into his eyes. He held a white umbrella which stood out from the crowd of workers around him.

When a large box of weird dimensions exited the cargo, the man raised is hands and the people surrounding froze. Its top was of glass and on it lies a logo that was so simple and consists of a single word 'Rainbow' which says all that we need to know. He then gently touched the lid, and a smirk crept onto his face. After that, he waved as the others continued their work. He then took out his phone and called someone.

"It's here, safe and sound." he said into the phone. He paused for a moment and said "Yes sir, Project Aura is ready to begin."