Chapter 20: Continuing the Investigation

Heather’s POV

“Heather, how is the efficiency review coming along?” Casey asks as he walks into her office.

“Do we have to speak in code now or can I talk about what I am actually doing?” Heather responds with a sharp tone.

Heather has been avoiding Casey ever since her encounter with Meredith. She is just realizing now how easy it has been to avoid him. Like he wasn’t seeking her out at all. She was right to think that Meredith was telling the truth about her and Casey. It is probably for the best anyway. Heather knows she needs to stay focused on her investigation. Casey is too much of a distraction.

“No code needed. I’ve just gotten used to referring to the investigation that way. Is everything alright? You seem upset,” the concern is clear in Casey’s voice.

Heather hates hearing Casey care. It would be so much easier to get over him if she didn’t know what a good man he is. She needs to push him away to protect herself.