Chapter 25: Preparing for the Charity Gala

Casey’s POV

“Casey, dear can you help me with these items for the auction? There is a chart on the table for where everything goes. Thank you!” His mother cheerfully orders him around.

It is the day of the annual charity gala that his mother hosts. It is a major social event and something she spends months planning. Every detail must be perfect for Christine Sullivan.

“Of course Mom. Whatever you need.” Casey responds even though she is already walking away from him.

Casey has thrown himself into helping his mother with her event because it keeps him busy. If he slows down for even a moment, then thoughts of Heather will overtake him. He is still reeling from everything she told him last night. He cannot believe it. Heather believes his father is a murderer and is determined to prove it. It seems like everything they shared is a lie.