No. No!


Jamal edged closer and Jack's fight or flight instinct kicked in. He was willing to choose fight. "Hey, you going to the game this weekend?" Jamal asked, casually. Jack relaxed his arm and slumped his shoulders.

"Of course! I'll see you at practice then?" Jack asked. Jamal nodded and stalked off to his group of basketball players. Akilah came out from behind him.

"A-are you friends with him?" She spluttered. Jack could tell there was more tension than last month on her mind.

"No. No! Him? Ugh I just play with him. I don't like him." Jack said. He was willing to tell a white lie to make Akilah feel safe. She gave a small nod before relaxing her shoulders and beautiful face.

"Can I watch your practice?" She asked. Jack was ecstatic to be asked. No one ever showed up to his practice and now someone could. He would no longer be the lonely loser.

"Of course! It's on tonight. Can I watch you in the school quiz?" Jack responded. Akilah nodded and gave him her spare ticket.


Akilah knew Jack was good, but she had no idea than he was THAT good. It was like watching a pro! The others were okay too but they just got in the way of Jack. After practice Akilah went down the stairs and behind the men's changing room to wait. Once she got down there she saw a group of cheerleaders. Great. One of them smirked, muttered something and the other four nodded. Two ran towards her and pinned her against the wall holding her arms down. The other two brought out literal pins.

"Okay, let me get to the point." The leader said looking at her nails. "What are you to Mr Fitty?"

"Who?" Akilah asked. She yelped as she felt a sharp pain in her arm.

"I didn't ask you to speak. You know who I'm talking about. Jack." She slurred. "Why does he keep turning me down? Saying he's got a girlfriend? That's not true they tell me. Then you show up. Keep's winking at you. Even laughs or smiles when he talks about you." They jabbed Akilah with the pin again, and again, and again.

"JACK!" Akilah cried out. She saw the door burst open and Jack run out, without a shirt. He shoved the girls off her and pulled her behind him. Again. They gave Jack a snarl, like a long haired jackal, and ran off.

"Are you ok?" He asked.


Akilah was bleeding down her arms. Jack took her to his locker and pulled out a first aid kit. Jack plastered her arms and put it away. "I'm so sorry Akilah." He said pulling her into a hug. "This is all my fault." Akilah kissed him.

"No it's not." She assured. She kissed him again.

"Get a room!" Shouted a passer-by. Jack laughed.

"Should we take this back to my place?" Akilah asked , batting her long, luscious eyelashes. Jack laughed again. They took the motorcycle home. Akilah was still gripping Jack harder than she should. Not that he minded.


Akilah and Jack were in her room. Kissing. She felt his hand crawl down her back, she was so in the moment but she stopped. "I want to wait till marriage." Akilah said. She half expected Jack to walk out but to her shock, he didn't.

"It's ok! As long as you marry me soon!" He joked. Jack flicked on the TV instead.

"Kelly Ender has been released from-" the News woman just managed to say before Jack put on the last Disney they managed to watch, before the sleep demon dragged them to its realm. Akilah rested her head on Jack's thigh.

"Can you promise me something?" Akilah asked. Jack made a noise. "Never lie to me."

"I promise never to lie to you." Jack said. Akilah felt safe in Jacks arms knowing that.