Chapter 10

Outside the warehouse a fully armed squad of SHIELD agents were discussing with Fury the situation while the support agents coordinated with the fire department and police to manage the situation.

Phil Coulson not really saying anything due to the mixed emotions, he felt Fury handled things with too much force putting the kid under so much stress he ended up doing the worst thing to do, injecting an unknown substance into yourself. Phil was a trained agent and one of his specialties was great at reading people and even though the kid gave off mixed signals, the genuine smile he saw and the look the boy had upon seeing Fury with a gun then the look of shock when Fury did fire told him a lot.

Yea the kid was after something and was probably a mutant but he didn't deserve to be backed into a corner.

As Fury debriefed the agents suddenly a loud shout was heard.


Then a thunderous boom was heard from the warehouse, shattering the building.

A concussion wave travelling outwards from the building shattering windows and knocking some to the ground.

Fury and the squad of elite SHIELD agents run to see the damage not expecting the sight before them.

In the location where the boy once was, a fully grown man in a black suit and lightning bolt on his large chest was floating a few feet above the ground. He was built like a god and was emanating flames while lightning crackled across his body, some being attracted to the ground occasionally. A hood drapped a top his head.

"I look like a Super Saiyan, so cool.HAHAHAHA"

Hearing the man speaking, then beginning to laugh, before Fury could give an order the agents began to move, opening fire on the man. And what happened next was just as unbelievable. One bullet was caught while the others just indented, like hitting solid steel and fell to the ground.

Seeing the man look in their direction the agents looked to Fury.

Turning to Fury as well and recognizing him a smile crept up his face.

"You know, shooting at a kid even if it wasn't to kill, I must commend you I really didn't expect that. I mean I didn't expect to see you of all people."

Looking at the rest of the agents and seeing Phil Coulson he couldn't help but wave. Stunning everyone else including Phil who mindlessly waved back while ignoring the looks he was receiving.

But before Billy could continue his intuition and Angel warned him of danger.

Quickly dodging to the side and trying to balance the current struggle internally due to Sentry but now another unknown at the same time. But thanks to the Courage of Achilles he was fearful or stressed, more annoyed than anything.

Although upon seeing the golden chains that appeared his eyes flashed, knowing this wasn't going to be easy. Once again Murphy's Law at its finest.

"You know, I was really not wanting us to meet in these terms Sorcerer Supreme. I wasn't planning on messing with things you know, I haven't even killed a fly, so why would you attack so viciously. That would've really hurt."

Seeing the area devoid of any and all people he knew he was brought into the mirror dimension, whether as an attempt to trap or to talk well obviously so far it's not looking good from the start.

"I see. Looks like you know more than even I gave you credit. I planned to give you space to observe more but this was yourself that brought me here. Well not yourself per say but what I can see you fighting. You brought something into this universe that isn't supposed to be here. As you're aware it's what I do."

Trying to stall time to continue to assimilate the Sentry he kept it civil as long as possible.

"Would you believe it if I said it wasn't on purpose?"

Finally seeing the Ancient One in all her baldness step out he did release a sigh of relief after confirming it was truly the Cinematic version.

'Even tho she is powerful she definitely is one of the weaker versions of Ancient Ones.'

"You know Billy, or should I call you Shazam? But you know that's rather rude and a bit arrogant on your part."

Hearing what the Ancient One said he instantly thought of mind reading.

'I should be protected from mind reading or at least feel it'

"Oh its not mind reading or anything that look you gave upon seeing me I could tell you thought something rude."

"Well of course, who goes for an attack first and asks later, I mean I've heard of a warning shot but damn that would've hurt. So yeah I thought something rude about you, but that still doesn't answer my question. What are you doing here, you see me fighting it and winning, why risk giving it a chance by going for me and not helping?"

"You're too dangerous, I can see what you're doing. Even if you win you will still be much more dangerous. Ever since you injected whatever that was the time stone can no longer see into the future. Where before there were many branches to the timeline now there is but one and its future is clouded."

'Well that must be Void, as I became host Void eats all other universal time branches which feeds Sentry and Void. Hence why they are able to bend time around themselves to give him a power similar to Domino's Probability manipulation that gives her the high luck but Sentry and Void is based on time. So every situation will always work out in the end in his favor. So I just need to win the internal fight and then the Ancient One issue should resolve itself.'

"I'm a little disappointed in you Billy, I just told you that you have destroyed trillions of lives and from the look on your face it seems you were aware of it the whole time. Who are you really, not even the time stone could look into whatever was in there."

"First off don't do a play on words, I killed nobody, well kinda but you make it sound worse by putting it that way. I just stopped all the random timelines and made this the main and only timeline. I mean I'm pretty sure they are still there, I think it's just no longer accessible to branch off. Second I'm also disappointed in you, I thought you were nicer."

Feeling her preparing to attack due to seeing his astral projection speeding up the battle with the Sentry, he quickly launched an attack as well, a fiery bolt of lightning hit against an orb of dark energy while dodging another attack from his blind spot.

Seeing the mark of Dormammu appearing between her eyebrows, Billy knew she was serious.

He knew the Ancient One would stop once he completely absorbed Sentry. Not worrying about power output due to being in the mirror dimension he continued to rely on his instincts fully to avoid the attacks from the Ancient One while trying to put more focus on Sentry.

Little did he know he began to develop parallel thought thanks to not only him doing it under pressure, but thanks to the absorption gradually of the entity Sentry and the Wisdom of Solomon the idea of a way to not only end things faster but would also give a boost to his processing abilities.

Using the Wisdom of Solomon to mask parallel thought as a new consciousness, Sentry seeing the branching bud of a consciousness took the bait and made its move. It didn't mind being a fragmented part of a mind, it would retain its memories and live on, eventually taking over anyway.

As the entity let itself absorb into the consciousness, by the time it realized it wasn't an available consciousness it was already too late.

Dodging and attacking began to get easier and easier, even as the battle got more intense due the Ancient One seeing the astral projection battle coming to a close.

Now that more focus could be used on the physical plane, Billy flashed in front of the Ancient One planning to test close combat.

Throwing a punch to the Ancient Ones gut, a golden shield appeared to defend against the punch. Upon impact the kinetic energy released a Shockwave that caused cracks to appear around the mirror dimension.

The Ancient One was knocked back flying through a few of the skyscrapers. Moving forward to continue the assault his instincts warned him of danger and narrowly missed being skewered by a pointed monolith.

But his instincts didn't stop going off, but before he could dodge he was smashed back down into the ground destroying a whole block of buildings.

Coughing up a bit of reddish golden blood, indicated that the assimilation was almost complete.

Looking up and seeing the Ancient One still floating where he once was, a smile crept up his face.

"Oh, it's on now grandma!"