Chapter 12

As Billy practiced his new powers, finding that Angel was quite useful since she had a few of the same abilities such as energy and matter manipulation and teleportation, back at the now damaged lab building SHIELD got to work investigating the site and William Bass.

Charles wasn't to happy with Fury after seeing his actions towards the kid. He may have been doing something he shouldn't but like Phil, he felt Fury went a little overboard even if it was intended to only frighten him.

James Logan Howlett or to many the Wolverine was assisting in investigation of the area using his animalistic sense of smell. After picking up the scent and memorizing it so that he will always be on the look out for the scent.

He was also able to track back to where Billy came from which led from the side of Stark Mansion. Upon realizing the trail began here Fury was quickly on the phone with Howard.

Luckily for Billy, Howard was at the office with his car. Otherwise with Wolverine just the visual cloak wouldn't have stopped him from sniffing it out.

After discussing further cooperation related to this case and after receiving Logan acceptance SHIELD contracted Wolverine to track the kid down for questioning only. While Logan didn't believe a word Fury said he still agreed, he didn't plan on bringing the kid to SHIELD in the first place. He only took the contract because if he didn't someone else would and he didn't want another mutant to go thru what he did.

He was experimented on and turned into a weapon, a silent unkillable and unbreakable assassin. An apex predator amoungst a flock of sheep.

He could track better than any human or animal, very few could do better.

SHIELD also began contracting the serum out and due to seeing the potential, a certain military general had made sure to get a few of the samples so he could begin his department in developing a new weapon for the military.

General Thadeus Ross had recruited his daughter and a few of her colleagues to work on the project. She and her colleagues were young and upcoming scientists which specialized in application of gamma radiation.

The idea was to use gamma radiation to activate the serum breaking down the human dna to a point that it can smoothly absorb the serum allowing the body to accept the serum without the side effect.

Norman Osborne also ended up with some and had used it to enhance various spiders, using them to create high end spider silk. He also wanted to perfect the serum to hopefully cure himself and the Osborne family of their genetic disorder that has plagued them for generations.

HYDRA also made sure to get a piece of the pie, using SHIELD as its named for used it to shield its activities to sow more unrest between humans and mutants.

Their goal was to cause enough fear in the world to have them willingly submit under their control, it was a complete turn around from their tactics they used during World War 2.

Mutants were the easiest to use, their was already the attack on the white house a few decades ago that still is looked back on and used as tools for propaganda.

There were even anti-mutant groups that slowly sprang up across the world. Most of them funded and ran by HYDRA personnel. Mutants they didn't kill were captured and brought to HYDRA to be experimented on and brainwashed into serving them, growing more powerful in the dark.

Back at Kamar Taj the Ancient One entered her study from the portal. One of her apprentices Mordo was there waiting with a cup of her favorite tea. Upon seeing her come in his eyes widen in shock, he was very disheveled her robes having scorch marks and she was covered in dirt.

Seeing Mordo there unexpectedly, Ancient One quickly cast a spell that cleaned and fixed her clothes back to the day they were made.

"So I take it not everything went as planned?" Mordo questioned.

"Everything is fine. He absorbed the entity, he has become much more powerful than I could have predicted. He can't be too bad, he was granted the powers of SHAZAM afterall. I trust the old wizard." Ancient one answered then took a sip of tea. "Wonderful tea Mordo."

"So if you knew he wasn't bad why would you attack him? Why didn't you just tell him you were friends with the previous SHAZAM?" Mordo looked at the her curiously, after all she did attack pretty viciously right from the start.

"Oh I wasn't that harsh, it wouldn't have killed him. Just teach a lesson about arrogance, I saw how he looked at those agents. He was going to toy with them so I decided to do it to him instead. Plus if he knew that me and SHAZAM were friends do you think he would ever leave us alone? He'd probably be in and out of here daily asking for this and that. He needs to make it on his own, but do notify the Sanctums to not turn the boy away if he requires our help." She said with a distant look, thinking of days past and her adventures with the wizard.

"So should I ready the books we have related to his powers then?" Mordo continued with a sigh thinking he may have another person to contend against to take over as Sorcerer Supreme.

"No he won't be needing them, I meant if he comes asking for help we help. He is a force for Good, but what worried me was what came with that entity. He his the other side to the figurative coin, the Void as he calls himself." Ancient One shivered a little remembering seeing the Void on the astral plan as Billy and Sentry battled it out.

Its why she kept pushing him, she had to push him to his limits because the alternative would've been much worse.

"Now that is something this universe is not ready for, I just hope Billy knows what he's doing. If it's sealing Billy its not a problem but once Void is in the picture that's where its questionable. But he's doing good so far, he knew to stay and master his abilities. A worthy successor so far old friend." Ancient One sighed and looked off into the distance keeping an eye on Billy in his dimension.

Seeing the Ancient One was finished chatting, Mordo bowed and left the office. He decided to look into this SHAZAM himself.

As the people on Earth search for Billy all with their own agendas, out in space young Peter Quill was collecting his first payday after having his own ship. It was just collecting space debris off the ships the other Ravagers where shooting but it was his first ship captain payday, it made it all the more satisfying.

As Peter was admiring his first credits, a tall blue skinned man with a metal mohawk approached him.

"Hey boy, got your first set of credits. Proud of ya. So why dont you hand over half now, I got places to be." As he held his hand out to Peter waiting for the credit.

"Half, damn Yondu thats alot for not doing a damn thing." Peter retorted not wanting to hand over the credits, especially half he was thinking like a third or forth but half. The Hell?

"Not do anything? Boy when I found you my boys wanted to eat you. They aint had no terran before. But I stopped them, had I not, you wouldn't have made any of it. Now shut up and give me half, I got another job for ya." Yondu berated with his usual answer to Quill's complaints.

"Fine but no more halves, fuel ain't free damn it and neither am I. I want a bigger pay next job, I got plans for my ship and they dont come cheep." Peter demands as he reluctantly hands the credits to Yondu.

"Sure, sure big plans. Just make sure to get with Kraglin, he's got the info on the job. Be careful out there boy, the agreement with the boys is you can only die around them so they can eat you fresh like you got that?" Yondu said as he took the credits and pocket them then patted Quill on the head affectionately.

"Ew who would want to get eaten, and what captain would let their crew eat a person? Maybe thats why they never had one before." Peter quickly shakes his head and swats away the head pat.