The scenery was so beautiful, mountains, fields, a stream and also a lots of tree. It is so calming. Then I notice that there is not a lot of house, I only saw a few barn and a small hut along the way. 'Private property? Maybe' I thought.
The bus suddenly stop. "We have arrive. We will walk for another hour and a half then we will arrive at our destination." K
'Since when did he became our leader' I thought.
We get off from the bus while carrying our own bags and luggage. I was startle, we are practically in the middle of nowhere. 'Wow, people are so creative. Even in the middle of nowhere, they still can build a tourism here.' I was actually impress with the idea.
"So where is this tourism that Jake was talking about?" I ask looking at Ian.
Ian shake his head, Carla look at me with her 'seriously' looks. I was confused with their reaction. Ian then explain to me about the change of plan and the cause of it. 'Ooohh.' This is the only thought that appear in my head.
While we walk, K continue to explain further about this place. "The place that we are going right now is M island. Why was is called an island even though it is not and island? Let me tell you junior, the history of this island is about a hundreds years ago. Century ago, this location is really an island. It is surrounded by a lake named Yiwa lake, the towns people must use a boat just to get on this island. But because of an earthquake the geography of this lands change rapidly, the once beautiful island now surrounded by a thick forest. Than there is this mansion and behind that mansion there is a lake and it is what left of lake Yiwa after the earthquake."
"This is a place that is so full of history if we know where to look at, that's is why some of us senior came to this place to do some research." a senior talk, her name is V "Not all of us senior came here just to enjoy some vacation" she added, looking at K.
As a junior, we just keep quiet at their conversation. It is not our place to meddle in their problems.
"Senior K, this mansion that you keep mentioning, is it not damage by the earthquake century ago?" Ian was curious about it, if the earth can change because of the natural disaster what a mere mansion can do about it.
"Nice question there junior, now here is the most interesting fact about this whole history. The mansion actually withstand the earthquake without any damage and on the wall not even a crack can be seen. The furniture, decoration, glass, antique and even the garden are not damage in the slightest bit." K answer Ian question "You are one curious junior" K smiles.
After walking for hour and a half, we arrive at our destination. In front of us, there is this tall gate. The gate's design is quiet old and if I must say, I kind of love it. We enter the gate then we are welcomed by the sight of a Victorian mansion. I don't know if this is a mansion or not because but what I saw trough my eyes, I saw a palace like building.
The moments that I enter the gate, there is this disgusting feeling that rose up from deep within my self. I feel there is this pair of eyes that just watching us. I instinctively pull May with me to hide behind Ian and Carla. May is like me, she is also a special child.
Among all of my friends, I was very close to Ian and May. Because of the same ability that May and I have, I already think of her as my younger sister. This ability that we have are only know by Ian, Carla and Noah. It is not like I don't want to tell the other three but I just don't want them to judge me and May.