Chapter1: Welcome to the Infinite Plane

[Welcome to the Infinite Plane.]

[Here, you will start with your own territory, castle, talent, and hero buildings. You will compete against billions of other races and lords for supremacy and have a chance to gain unfathomable power and even eternal life. ]

[Fight. Kill. Plunder.]

[Collect resources from the environment or from beasts that roam the plane to upgrade your territory and become the strongest lord, ruling above all others.]

[Novice protection period is given for seven days. The lord's territory will be in an invincible state and nothing will be able to penetrate the lord's territory during that time.]

[At the end of the seven days, the protection period will end and a beast tide will invade. The beast tide will last for 3 days. Those who survive, will be ranked and rewarded. Top 10 will receive a generous reward while first place will receive a unique, one-of-a-kind prize.]

[Lord's talent will be randomly generated shortly. Good luck.]

Davis Shaw opened his eyes as soon as the robotic, AI sounding voice stopped speaking in his head. The first thing he saw was a deteriorated ceiling. He blinked a couple of times before he sat up and took a look around, with a confused expression on his face.

He was in a wooden hut, maybe 10 ft. by 10 ft. It looked rotten and run down, almost like it could collapse at any moment. There was only 1 door with a single pane window on each side of it. Inside the hut, there was only a creaky old bed he was sitting on with rough straw that made him itch a bit.

After getting his bearings for the most part, he stood up from the bed, and stretched a bit. Immediately after, rage flowed through his body so much that he started to tremble. One second, he was on earth, in a luxurious hotel room, on a bed in between the legs of a hot ass blonde from his work with a great set of D sized breasts about to fuck the hell out of her and lose his virginity once for all, and the next second, he was waking up here.

On earth, he was a 21 year old virgin from a rich background. his parents were famous lawyers who were always busy and so he never spent much time with them. Thus, he was always alone and hardly interacted with anyone before he got a job at his parents firm doing random tasks. he was paid well though, made about 70 grand a year.

He was considered handsome, with long jet black silk like hair that flowed down just past his shoulders. He had sharp, thin eyebrows, and bright blue eyes with slightly tanned white skin. He stood at 6 ft 4 and a toned body. despite his good looks, he could never talk to anyone, especially women. He would never initiate a conversation with them and when they went over and tried to speak with him, he blushed furiously and ran away.

So, how could he be in a situation where he was about to get laid despite his severe condition? He was at a bar near his place drinking heavily and complaining for the millionth time about how much of a pussy he was and didn't have the confidence to interact with women when a sexy woman, named Jessica, from his work entered and saw him drunk as hell. She was really into him and has tried dozens of times to speak with him at work, but he has always ran away. This time, she saw that he was drunk and tried again. Obviously this time, she succeeded and they eventually went to a hotel where he was taken abruptly.

Now, back to Mr. Shaw and the crappy run down hut.

He screamed in anger and frustration before proceeding to punch and kick his bed, where it eventually broke and collapsed after a minute. This brought him back and he calmed down a bit. he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and relaxed before opening them again.

"Fuck. Fine whoever it was who brought me here, whether it be god or the devil, I'll just have to make the best of it. There is no other choice."

Accepting the situation he was in, he focused on the information that was jammed into head when the voice in his head spoke. Billions of beings of different races were placed in this world called the infinite plane and each were given a territory to develop. They were given a random talent and hero building to aid them.

This was like a world building/PvP game from earth. Build your forces and conquer the world. This was survival of the fittest. The weak perish while the strong survive and become even stronger.

After sorting out and processing all the information he had just received, he put on a determined face and walked toward the door.

"Here, I will become better. Here, I will become the strongest. Overcome my fears and conquer and kill. If I don't I die. I will SURVIVE!"

With that statement of determination to himself, he opened the door and took his first steps toward domination.