Chapter 4

"LADY DE SOLANGE, would you mind joining me in my office? I have an important matter to discuss with you."

'This is it. After he took care of those crooks yesterday, it is time for us to leave this house.' Magnolia swallowed.

"Not at all, my lord." She gave him a weak smile before she turned to Geoffrey. "You be a good boy now and finish your breakfast. I will be right back."

"Yes, Mama." Geoffrey smiled as he took a bite of his bread with jam.

Magnolia followed the duke to his office and sat across from him. He stared at her for a moment, which made her very self-conscious.

"Your Grace?" she finally uttered under his gaze.

"I have a proposition for you, Lady De Solange." He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "From what I have gathered so far, you are having a hard time providing a stable life for your son."

Magnolia got defensive right away. "With all due respect, Your Grace–"

"You have traveled a long way from Kerika, and from the inn you were staying in, it is safe to presume that you are running out of the money your husband left you." Magnolia clenched her fists. "Lady De Solange, I would like to adopt your son as my heir."

"What?" Magnolia rose, enraged. "Are you mad?" She glared at him.

"Please, calm down–"

She slammed her hand on his desk. "I will not calm down. Was this your plan all along? Even the Duke of Salicera does not have the authority to take people's children away. I am taking my son and leaving." She stomped to the door.

"I will not stop you," Daniel said with a calm tone. "But please think about your son's future before making a hasty decision." Magnolia exited his office and slammed the door behind her.

She paced back and forth across her room. She still could not believe what the duke had suggested. How could she part with her beloved son?

'Was this why he was nice to us?' She stopped by the chair and let herself crash on it. She covered her face as a few tears fell.

"He was right, though. The money I took before leaving Kerika is running out." She bit her lip in frustration until it bled.

Magnolia had hoped to make it to the capital–Throka–before the money ran out. She had hoped to find work there and rent a small room for her and Geoffrey. She had planned to save up money to send him to school when he was of age.

Her tears were unstoppable now. Magnolia cried because of her helplessness, her desperation, and her sadness. Because she knew that the life the duke was offering her son was a million times better than what she could have ever given him.

She cried until she could not anymore, then she washed her face and walked back to the duke's office. She did not hesitate to knock. She had already made her decision.

"Come in." She heard the duke call. Magnolia entered and bowed. When she looked up, she noticed that Henry was standing next to him.

"My apologies, Your Grace. I did not know you had company. I can come back later."

"It's alright, Lady De Solange. As my assistant, Henry is also my confidant," Daniel said. "Please, have a seat." He noticed her red eyes and the cut on her lip. He considered asking her, but he did not want to embarrass her.

"Your Grace, I would like to speak with you in private," she asked while looking at his assistant.

"I will prepare the papers you asked for, my lord. Please, excuse me." Henry took his leave immediately.

Magnolia was silent for a while and Daniel waited for her patiently. "I have made a decision, my lord." She swallowed hard. "I accept your offer."

"I think that is smart, my lady."

Magnolia shot him darts. "I have a condition, though," she added.


"I would like to be able to see my son at least once or twice a year." Daniel stared at her dumbfounded. "Well?" she asked impatiently.

"My lady, I think you have misunderstood my proposal. I do not wish to separate a child from his mother, I would like to adopt Geoffrey through marriage."

Magnolia's brain did not quite register Daniel's words. "Marriage?" she repeated in a daze. Daniel was amused as he watched her struggle with the thought. "Why?"

"What do you mean, why?"

"Why do you want to marry a widow and adopt her son when you can marry any woman in this continent? I am sure women throw themselves at you all the time. You are rich, handsome, and a duke. So, why?"

"You think I am handsome?" Daniel asked with a grin.

Magnolia blushed. "Please, do not tease me and answer my question."

He smiled and leaned forward on his desk. "I am not looking for a conventional marriage. I need an heir since I am the last member of the Van Konigl family still alive. I am neither interested nor have the desire to have children, or a wife for that matter. Does that answer your question?"

Magnolia was speechless. 'Why would a man not want his heir to be of his own blood?' She was silent for a moment. "I do not understand it fully. Could you please tell me what being your wife entails?"

"You will be the Duchess of Salicera, my lady," Daniel started. "Which means, you will manage this castle and the other estates I own when we visit them, you will attend and host social events, you will accompany me to all official events hosted by the king and, as a Van Konigl, pledge your full loyalty to the royal family." He paused. "And most importantly, you will be in charge of the education and well-being of my heir."

"I see," Magnolia answered as she absorbed the information. She looked at him as she fidgeted with her dress. "So, does that mean–" she averted her eyes as her ears rang with embarrassment. Daniel sensed hesitation in her voice. "Marital duties… I mean… to share a bed…?" She blushed violently.

"That is correct, we will not be sleeping in the same bed." Daniel put her out of her misery. Relief washed over her face, which he noticed.

"Then, I accept your offer, my lord."

"Terrific. Then we will get married in three days. I will send word to the temple. Do you have any family you want to attend?"

"I have no family, Your Grace."

"Alright then, I will take care of all the details."

"Thank you."

As Magnolia left the duke's office, she felt a tiredness take hold of her. She checked on Geoffrey, who was with Lady Green, then she headed to her room for some much-needed rest.

'Is this my lucky day?' The thought resonated in her head as she drifted off to sleep.