Chapter 61

MAGNOLIA SAT ON THE EDGE OF GEOFFREY'S BED. She felt cold, not from the chilly breeze coming from the open balcony, but from inside of her. She was not sure how long she sat there, hugging herself.

'I have let my guard down.'

She was always vigilant when she was traveling with her son.

'How is it that nothing happened to him all that time, but he gets taken from the middle of the duke's house?' Magnolia bit her lip in frustration until it bled.

"My poor son," she whispered as fresh tears raced down her cold cheeks.

Suddenly, a screech erupted from the garden. Magnolia was already on her feet, her heart beating in her throat.

Her legs moved before her mind registered the action. She ran through the hallways and down the stairs until she reached the gardens.

There were many servants with lanterns scattered around. Her eyes were lost, looking for a hint as to the source of the scream. They fell on Daniel who was taking fast steps toward the west side of the gardens.

"Daniel," she called. He halted until she reached him. "What is going on?"

"Someone found Lady Green," he answered, his jaw tensing. "I am on my way to confirm."

"I'm coming with you."

"Are you sure, love?" Daniel studied her red eyes and the dry trails her tears had left on her face.

"Yes." She held on to his arm as he led the way.

Victor and three knights were already at the scene. A servant was guiding another one away. She looked pale and her eyes were haunted.

Daniel and Magnolia took a few steps closer and found Lady Green on the ground, lifeless.

"Oh my Gods." The words escaped her mouth before she could cover it.

The woman's throat had been cut open, but her arms were also missing. They were on the ground, a few feet away from the corpse.

'What happened here?' Magnolia looked over to Daniel who had the same question written on his face.

"Lady Green was a baroness," Victor said, as if that explained the whole scene.

"Are you saying–she betrayed us?" Magnolia uttered. "She took Geoffrey?"

"It's a possibility," Daniel told her with a cold tone. His chest was tight, the woman had been his governess when he was young.

'Has she despised us for all those years?'

"So, you think the Barons Faction is behind it?" Daniel felt his wife's hand tremble against his arm.

"Nothing is sure right now. Let's go to my office, we can discuss it further there."

He took off his jacket and placed it on Magnolia's shoulders, then he pulled her against him as they walked back toward the castle.

Clara brought some chamomile tea as instructed by the duke. She poured a cup for Magnolia and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Clara."

"Would you also like a cup, Your Grace?"

"No, thank you. I need something stronger than tea," Daniel uttered, the last part was said to himself more than Clara.

He walked to his desk and took out a bottle of brandy. He poured himself a glass and downed the ember liquid in one gulp. He looked over to Magnolia who was just staring at the cup in her hands.

"You should have some, unless you would rather have some of this." He shook the bottle of liquor, but Magnolia did not answer.

"Lady Green was the first stranger I ever felt comfortable leaving Geoffrey with," she uttered with a voice full of regret and guilt.

"My love." Daniel walked around his desk to the settee and kneeled in front of her. "There was no way any of us could have known, she was my governess when I was a child."

They were interrupted by a knock.

"Your Graces." Victor bowed under both their close watch.

"Anything to report?" Daniel pushed to his feet.

"It was confirmed that Lady Green's arms were cut using a sword. No magic has been used on her." Victor hesitated for a moment, his eyes moved to the duchess then back to Daniel. "Also, unfortunately the dogs have lost the scent."

"Gods damn it," Daniel yelled. The untouched cup of tea trembled in Magnolia's hands. "Where?"

"A few miles outside of Bergen, my lord."

"I want you to bring enough knights to guard every entrance to the town. Search everyone entering or leaving," Daniel ordered. "And have a few patrols, some disguised as civilians."

"Yes, Your Grace."

"I want posters with Geoffrey's likeness and a hefty reward for anyone who can share useful information. I want them everywhere, drown the damn kingdom in them."

"Right away, my lord." Victor bowed before he left.

"Do you think Lady Green was working with the Barons Faction?" Magnolia asked.

"There is a high chance that that's the case."

"But why would they kill her then?"

"Maybe they had no more use for her."

Daniel took the cup of tea from her hands and put it on the table. It was clear she was not going to drink it.

"My love, whether it was those bastards of someone else, we will find Geoffrey." He sat next to her and took her hands in his.

"It might have been someone else, do you have a lot of enemies?" she asked.

Daniel's jaw clenched, because the answer to that question would only make her more worried.

"I do, but very few of them have the guts to take my son from my own house." He pulled her into his arms. "Whoever took him certainly needs something from us. I am sure they will send us a message by tomorrow. But I swear by the Gods that I will tear anyone involved into pieces."

Magnolia wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest.

"I would die if anything were to happen to him, Daniel," she confessed. "Bring my son back to me, please."

"I promise I will, my love." Daniel felt the heaviness of the promise. He was not even sure who was behind the abduction or what they wanted, but he had to keep that promise. Because if anything were to happen to Geoffrey, it would destroy him as well.