I Want to Eat You

'What do you want to eat?'

She did not have the immortal pills and spiritual fruits she wanted to eat…

'Ah, that's not right.'

This was a humanoid pill.

Thinking of this, Dong Nuan gently smacked her lips and whispered, "I want to eat you."

Han Jianglou, "???"

Her words successfully made Han Jianglou burn from head to toe. At the same time, the anger in his heart soared.

He wanted to know which damned person had said such inappropriate words to a child, teaching her how to use such phrases???

Han Jianglou was so angry that he almost flew into the sky. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Lil Nuan, who did you hear that from?"

'Who was it?!'

What beast would say that to a child?

Although Han Jianglou knew that the aunts in the village usually spoke without scruples, they would usually pay attention to not talk nonsense in front of young children.

As for the men in the village?

Half were good, and half were well-meaning idiots.

Of course, he could not rule out the possibility that some of them were glib-tongued and did not say good things.

Han Jianglou quickly eliminated some possible perpetrators. He thought to himself that this kind of terrible person was asking for a beating. When he returned, he would hang them from a tree at the foot of the mountain on the dark and windy night and let them taste the consequences of having a cheap mouth!

Only the Heavens knew that Dong Nuan's words were literal, or rather, her understanding of them was literal.

This was because to her, Han Jianglou was a human-shaped medicinal pill. What was wrong with her wanting to eat medicinal pills?

The logic was very complete to her. There was no problem at all!

Dong Nuan could hear Han Jianglou gritting his teeth. She wanted to say, "I thought it up myself. I didn't hear anyone say it."

However, when she thought about it, she felt that this was a good opportunity to dig a grave for a certain scumbag.

Then, the words that were on the tip of her tongue turned into, "Huh? Who said that? Young Master Liao next door. He's been a little strange recently. He keeps stopping me from talking. In the past, he ignored me."

Han Jianglou, "…!!!"

'I'm going to hang that Liao guy up tonight!

'Hang him upside down!'

"Ignore him. He's been studying too much, and his brain is overflowing. His words are unpleasant to the ears. Stay away from him in the future." Hanjiang Lou's heart was pounding, but he could not bear to say harsh words to Dong Nuan. He only reminded her to stay away from that Liao guy.

He was not a good person. His mind was filled with schemes and she did not do any work.

However, after thinking about it, it made sense. If he did not have any brains, would it be possible to become an important minister in the court in the future?

However, when he thought about it again, his path to becoming a powerful minister was one where he stepped on other people's bones and blood and spread pain and tears. Han Jianglou felt that this Liao guy was only so-so.

"Okay, I'll listen to Big Brother Han." Dong Nuan nodded obediently and prepared to get out of the water.

Hearing the sound of splashing water behind him, Han Jianglou's body stiffened again. He wanted to say something, but his mouth only moved slightly, and he did not say a word in the end.

The sound of water continued, but Han Jianglou had already lost his ability to think. His mind was filled with, 'She's getting out, she's getting out...'

The other party was clearly still a child!!!

Han Jianglou could not stay any longer. He took a deep breath, grabbed the firewood behind him, and instantly disappeared from the spot.

From Dong Nuan's perspective, he might as well have taken off on the spot and flown down the mountain.

He really disappeared with a whoosh.

Dong Nuan, who had just come out of the water, was so frightened that her mouth opened wide. She sighed inwardly. "There are still people who can fly. It's not like they can't cultivate."

The reason Dong Nuan came out of the water was not because she wanted to do something to Han Jianglou. What could she do to her medicinal pill?

At most, they would just rub against each other.

She had come out of the water to turn her clothes over on the stones so they would dry faster.

She could not possibly soak in the water for half a day, right? Although it was indeed more comfortable to soak in the water today than it was to stand outside.

However, if she soaked in it for too long, her hair would be damaged…

Han Jiangluo, who had not actually flown away, did not know. He only knew that he held his breath and ran down the mountain.

When he got home, she gulped down two cups of cold water. His mind was still buzzing, and his body was burning.

"She's still a child. Han Jianglou, do you not want to be a human anymore?" Han Jianglou could not help but scold himself in his heart. At the same time, he could not help but think about the sound of the splashing water.

When he finally calmed down, he went to tidy up the firewood he had brought back and looked at the fruits Dong Nuan gave him.

Han Jianglou felt that his hands were already very big, but the two big apricots in his palms were almost too much to handle. There was not much space left.

"Are they this big?" Han Jianglou had never seen such a big apricot in the mountains, but he usually did not pay much attention to such things. He was more concerned about prey, firewood, and other mountainous resources.

He rarely paid attention to things like fruits that could not fill his stomach. Sometimes, when he passed by some wild fruits, he did not even look up.

Therefore, it was normal for him to ignore them.

Since it was given by Dong Nuan, Han Jianglou did not act pretentiously. In fact, there was an indescribable sweetness in his heart.

After reacting to this, Han Jianglou cursed again.

In addition to the two big apricots, there were also three peaches in the basket.

The peaches were average-sized, but they were still comparable to the big apricot. Compared to the peaches he had seen at the tables of the capital's influential people, these were still slightly bigger and looked more delicious.

The base half of these three peaches were red, while the top half was pink and white. Just looking at them made one want to drool.

After washing the fruit with water, Han Jianglou ate the big apricot first.

The flesh was tender and juicy and sweet and delicious. It was even more delicious than the apricots he had once eaten that were planted by some nobles in the capital!

Even Han Jianglou, who did not like fruits, could not help but squint and enjoy it for a while.

After the big apricot, there were peaches. The pink and white peaches were crispy, sweet, and refreshing. The peach flesh was also pink and white. Just looking at it made one want to eat more.

Han Jianglou was tall and strong. It was just one peach, and they finished it in two or three bites.

He could not bear to throw away the peach pit after he finished eating. He thought that he could try planting one in the courtyard later. Perhaps it would grow in the future.

At that time, Dong Nuan would also grow up and be able to get married. After marrying him, she would be able to eat fresh peaches. It would also save the little girl from going crazy from hunger and daring to run into the mountains.

"Oh no!" At this moment, Han Jianglou finally reacted. Previously, he had turned back because he was afraid that something would happen to Dong Nuan deep in the mountains. In the end, because of the sound of water, his mind was a mess, and he forgot about this matter.

When Han Jianglou regained his senses, he could not care less about what Dong Nuan was wearing. He placed the peach pit on the table, turned around, and ran up the mountain with the basket on his back.

Meanwhile, Dong Nuan, who had been 'abandoned' by Han Jianglou, had already put on her clothes and went elsewhere. 

Her clothes were still a little wet, so Dong Nuan went to a warmer place and dried herself along with her clothes.