Too Young or Too Old?

Second Aunt Dong was so angry that her head was buzzing. Old Madam Dong's expression was not too nice either.

When the Liao family brought up the marriage, Old Master Dong broke the secret to her. Naturally, Old Madam Dong was moved.

The reason why they did not directly nod in agreement was naturally because they were women and had to be more polite. At the same time, it was also to ask for more betrothal gifts. It could be considered an agreement process between the two sides.

Although the matter was not settled, Old Lady Dong already had some plans in her heart.

Now, Dong Nuan was being carried back home by Han Jianglou?

How could this be?

Old Madam Dong rushed over with a livid expression, wanting to see what was going on.

However, before he could take a step, he was pulled back by Old Master Dong.

"The head of the family?" Old Madam Dong did not understand. After asking in confusion, she said anxiously, "I have to go and see Lil Nuan. Don't let her do anything rash. If word gets out, the Liao family will definitely despise her…"

Before he could finish, Old Master Dong raised his hand and interrupted her. "Let's wait and see."

If this was Dong Nuan from yesterday, then Old Dong would definitely favor the Liao family. He would exchange this little girl for Scholar Liao's favor. In the future, Scholar Liao could even teach the boys in his family how to read.

There was no need to recognize him. It was fine as long as he was not blind.

However, Dong Nuan, who had fainted and woken up yesterday, had lived though that. He still believed in ghosts and monsters. He felt that…

After walking around purgatory, people would really change.

In the past, Dong Nuan was like wild grass by the field. She had a use, but it was nothing special. 

The current Dong Nuan was a young seedling in the ground. If she was raised well, she might become a source of food in the future!

Old Dong had not been idle the entire morning. He had been thinking about this matter.

If Dong Nuan was really useful, then he could not just marry this girl next door like an abandoned child.

How could Old Dong not know what was going on next door?

Although the Liao family had taken a fancy to Dong Nuan's diligence, it was notlike they could not negotiate this. They could change the terms to something similar.

The two girls from the fourth branch were actually quite suitable when it came to keeping quiet.

Old Man Dong said to wait and see, so Old Madam Dong could not say anything.

On the other hand, Madam Dong Wu was still thinking about how Scholar Liao could teach the boys in their family how to read after Dong Nuan married over next door.

Now that he heard that Dong Nuan was involved with Han Jianglou, she was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

In the morning, Dong Nuan gave out some fruits, but she had already angered Madam Dong Wu by not giving any to Dong Yao.

Now, Dong Nuan still had no shame and was hooking up with a wild man outside. Madam Dong Wu only felt the flames in her head rising.

It was already noon. Everyone was packing up and going home to cool off. They were waiting for the sun to not be so scorching before going back to the fields to work.

However, because there was a show to watch, everyone kept looking over.

Han Jianglou had specially chosen this time to come down so that more people could see his relationship with Dong Nuan.

Since Dong Nuan was willing to follow him, he did not have to be so afraid.

The first thing he had to do was dispel Liao Mingkun's thoughts.

He wanted to use Dong Nuan as a maid?

Why was he thinking so cruelly?

Han Jianglou knew that a person like Liao Mingkun was very proud deep down. He would definitely not fancy a girl who was involved with another man.

Madam Dong Wu wanted to rush up to her daughter. No matter if it was a beating or scolding, she had to let Dong Nuan know that she would be beaten up if she seduced a man outside.

However, Old Master Dong reacted quickly. He quickly gestured for Old Madam Dong to bring this stupid wife back.

He could do whatever he wanted with his family's matters.

However, he could not let outsiders see the commotion!

Although Old Madam Dong was unwilling, she still cared about her reputation. If this matter really blew up, it would implicate the other girls in the family and make it difficult for them to marry too. That would be a huge loss!

As soon as Old Madam Dong attacked, Madam Dong Wu's anger instantly dissipated from head to toe.

Madam Don Wu was only unreasonable to the young girls of the family. When facing her sisters-in-law and mother-in-law, she was like a quail.

When the family returned home, Han Jianglou followed Dong Nuan into the courtyard.

Old Master Dong did not stop him, so the others in the family could not say anything.

"Grandpa, Grandma, don't worry. I'll go home and beg the matchmaker to come. I'll be responsible for Lil Nuan," Han Jianglou said confidently after entering.

His voice rang out clearly from the fenced courtyard. It could be heard clearly across the street from the front yard.

Old Master Dong almost fainted from his behavior.

Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile and try to find a way to cover up this matter.

If Dong Nuan really had a great future, how could he let Han Jianglou have it?

Anyone else would be fine, but this man had no land and no family. If anything happened in the future, he would not be able to count on him!

However, the Cold River Restaurant had already made the first move. Half of the village probably heard his voice, right?

Since he had already said so, what else could Old Master Dong do? His face trembled as he glared at Old Madam Dong, who was about to step forward. Then, he put on a fake smile and said, "What's going on? Tell me. Lil Nuan is still young. She's just a child. What's there to be responsible for?"

Old Master Dong had basically tactfully said, 'You can't do it. Give up.'

Han Jianglou was prepared to argue. Since Dong Nuan was willing, he would definitely protect her.

At this moment, Dong Nuan suddenly said, "Second Aunt said yesterday that she wanted to marry me to Scholar Liao next door. So, I'm too young? Could it be that I'm old enough to marry Scholar Liao next door but not old enough to marry Big Brother Han?"

At this point, Dong Nuan tilted her head with a puzzled expression and muttered softly, "Can I be too young for one person then old enough for another? How strange."

Dong Nuan's words almost made Old Master Dong faint from anger again.

However, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

Han Jiangluo almost laughed out loud. He felt that this lively little girl in front of him was not at all similar to the lifeless woman he knew before.

He did not know if it was because he had paid too little attention in the past, or if the little girl had experienced something and grown up quickly.

He had also encountered something unspeakable too.

He held back his laughter and did not directly refute Old Man Dong. Instead, he said in a deep voice, "We can get engaged first. It's fine for me to wait for Lil Nuan to grow up before getting married."

This meant that he was willing to take responsibility and wait.

Old Master Dong did not say anything, so the others in the Dong family did not dare to speak up. Second Aunt's face was red from holding back, but did she dare to make a scene in front of her father-in-law?

Did she want to die?

However, she was afraid that Old Master Dong would be convinced, so she nodded and agreed. As for the Liao family…


Today's matter had blown up so much, and their two families were neighbors. The neighbors must have heard what Han Jiangluo said just now.

After such a thing happened, would the Liao family still be willing?

If they weren't... 

Thinking of this possibility, Second Aunt's eyes seemed to suddenly grow knives, shooting daggers at Dong Nuan.