Too Cruel?

Old Master Dong was very worried about Fourth Uncle's family.

No matter what, he was still his son. Although he was biased, he was still his son. He could not ignore his daughter-in-law and let her cause trouble.

She had beaten and scolded her all these years, but that daughter-in-law was very stubborn and useless.

In the past, she never thought about splitting up from him. She thought that no matter what, their family would always have a chance to survive.

However, once they split up…

Old Master Dong did not dare to think about it.

Dong Nuan had her own opinion on this. She smiled and said, "That depends on whether Grandpa can be ruthless or not."

Not understanding what Dong Nuan meant, Old Master Dong frowned, making his old face look even more wrinkled. He sighed deeply and said, "Aren't I ruthless enough? All these years, your grandmother has beaten and scolded her. Your Fourth Aunt is very stubborn and doesn't listen to advice at all."

Hearing Old Master Dong's words, Dong Nuan smiled and said, "Then be more ruthless and divorce Fourth Aunt, making her go back to her family. Anyway, everyone in the village has seen what she's done all these years. Even if she's divorced, she deserves it. Doesn't she want to take care of her family? Wouldn't it be best if she can go back to her family? Let her go back to her family to work hard. Don't harm Fourth Uncle and Lil Mei."

Should he make his son divorce his wife?

It was not that Old Master Dong had not thought about it before, but would he be able to marry someone good if he remarried?

Moreover, there were very few people in the surrounding villages who got divorced.

Their family also cared about their reputation. Moreover, could they accept a stepmother in the future?

Lil Mei and the others were still children, so Old Master Dong had to think about it more.

Although Old Master Dong looked cold, his heart was not.

Well, whatever happened to Fourth Aunt's family did not affect him, so he did not really care.

He was worried about his son and was unwilling to care about anything else.

Him telling Dong Nuan this did not mean that he really felt sorry for his son. It was more likely that he wanted to test Dong Nuan's abilities.

Did Dong Nuan not say that when she went to the Immortal Realm and saw immortals, her horizons were expanded?

The Old Master Dong probed further, also wanting to see Dong Nuan's current state of mind.

"I don't think that's a good idea…" Dong Nuan's attack was ruthless, and Old Master Dong could accept it.

Most importantly, if Fourth Uncle really got divorced and married someone else, then he would have to arrange the marriage. Even if he was middle-aged, he would still have to manage it for a second time. She would have to pay some money to get him married.

At the thought of spending money, Old Master Dong was not very happy. He felt that he could make do with his current daughter-in-law. After all, he would not be the one to suffer in the end.

When Old Master Dong hesitated, Dong Nuan knew his line in the sand.

He did not want a divorce, but he still wanted Fourth Aunt to repent.

That was easy.

Seeing the hesitation on Old Master Dong's face, Dong Nuan tilted her head and thought for a moment. She said softly, "If Grandpa thinks that it's not good, then we'll change our method. Or rather, we'll take a step back and pretend to divorce her first. At that time, Fourth Aunt's family will definitely cause trouble. They don't want Fourth Aunt to go back to her family, but they don't want to abandon our family and the things we give them. They definitely won't want Fourth Aunt to go back. At that time, we'll take a step back. It's fine if we don't stop, but we have to sprain Fourth Aunt's legs a little to teach her a lesson."

Hearing Dong Nuan say that she wanted to sprain Old Fourth's wife's leg, Old Master Dong felt his heart skip a beat, and his leg hurt too.

He turned around and looked at Dong Nuan disapprovingly. His tone deepened as he said, "Lil Nuan, if we sprain her legs, will she…"

It was too cruel.

Before he could say the last few words, he heard Dong Nuan say in a light-hearted tone, "Of course not. Who will have to serve her if she collapses on the bed in the future? Just pretend to interrupt and let Fourth Aunt see what her family is truly like."

It was not impossible to do this. When the time came, the reaction of her family and her in-laws would definitely agitate Fourth Sister-in-law, right?

Old Master Dong thought about it with uncertainty.

Before he could say anything, he heard Dong Nuan speak again. "Of course, Fourth Aunt's brain has been muddled all these years. I'm afraid she won't be able to think straight for a while. That's fine. Didn't the Imperial Court ask us to set up more land to farm? There are many places to set up land on the mountain. Let Fourth Uncle and Fourth Aunt go up the mountain to open up land. They'll come down every half a year or get Eldest Uncle and the others to send food over every half a year."

Hearing this, Old Master Dong's eyes lit up. He felt that this was a good idea.

When they were sent to the mountain, there would only be Fourth Uncle and his wife there. Even if Fourth Aunt wanted to go to her parents' house, she could not afford it.

"Fourth Aunt and her husband will be on the mountain. If we don't go up and won't let them come down, soon, Fourth Aunt will have less contact with her maiden family. As time passes, their relationship will naturally fade. There won't be her mother nagging in her ear anymore. In addition, they'll be on the mountain together for a long time. They can still have a child. If they give birth to a son, will Fourth Aunt still send things to her maternal family? Won't she raise her own son?" At this point, Dong Nuan smiled inexplicably.

Old Master Dong did not understand the meaning behind Dong Nuan's smile, but he felt that this idea was really not bad.

"Lil Nuan, if this plan succeeds, you'll be a great contributor to our family!" Old Master Dong's words were sincere, but this did not stop him from stepping on Dong Nuan again for the sake of benefit.

To put it bluntly, in this family, if you were worthless, Old Master Dong thought nothing of you. 

However, it didn't matter. The carrots were hung up. Occasionally, he would give a leaf a sweet bite, and the value of Dong Nuan in this house would continue to rise.

The grandfather-granddaughter pair quickly returned to the fields. For the time being, Old Master Dong did not mention that Dong Nuan was going to study.

At noon, everyone went back to rest. Madam Dong Wu wanted to move closer to Dong Nuan again. She wanted to ask if there were any peaches or apricots. Dong Yao had been pestering her for the entire morning.

In the end, Dong Nuan closed her eyes and lay on the bed, unwilling to make even a sound.

Madam Wu had met with a soft nail, but she could not provoke Dong Nuan. In the end, she could only return to the brick bed to comfort Dong Yao.

Dong Yao was naturally against it, but Dong Nuan opened her eyes and glared at him coldly, scaring him so much that he instantly fell back onto the bed. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Dong Wu watched this scene from the side. She felt sad and helpless.

In the end, she could not do anything and could only sigh softly.

Unfortunately, Dong Sanchun was snoring loudly in her sleep. The children at home had their eyes closed, and no one cared about her sad thoughts.

In the end, Madam Wu could only lie back down resentfully. She thought to herself, 'Why has the Nuannuan who used to work hard and bent so easily to scoldings changed so suddenly?'

At the thought of this, Madam Dong Wu's heart felt as if it had been soaked in yellow lotus water. It was bitter and uncomfortable.